Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100

Living in your moms basement? Quit school at 15, or got layed off.Can you survive solely on hotpockets and monster drinks? Ruined Noobs is looking for you. Bring your inner nerd, but please keep your drama on secondlife.

Just kidding! Welcome to trashtalk, having fun and explore the game!

Message in game to markaneskimo or owocyber
Finished the story after a long long long time.
Would like some pointers on how to move from here.
PM me or find me in game.
looking for a guild, starting the game from fresh, I know little about it but willing to learn
Looking for a guild that uses discord and is willing to help a noob. Been playing for 4 days. I don't even know if anyone is going to read this so, i'm going to drink some more beer and hope someone replies.
Looking for an active guild that plays every new standard challenge leagues. I would have an abundance of good gear to share and would always be willing to clear both early/end game content with the guild. I have been playing poe since beta so I can help newer players with the game mechanics.

Currently playing the new metamorph league on standard with the name LuceChrome_BK.
Currently Lvl 61 Elementalist. looking for a guild to help progress and help people in the guild out. pm on here or in game at Cellbolt.
Last edited by Cellfrost#2728 on Dec 21, 2019, 10:29:08 AM
Looking for chilled but active guild. Drop me a msg and we can talk!
Hi, I', looking for a guild (English or Russian). 29 y.o, like to play in parties (4-6 people).I have been playing since Legacy league. PM me in game: Markel/Kosiak
Last edited by Disparser#4206 on Dec 22, 2019, 1:05:37 AM
Got about 1900 hours in returning player. Play only active league currently lv 88 frost blade build as I type this. Looking for a mature active group with discord online now as ToxicWoda
Toss a Chaos to your Leader
OH Red Maps a Plenty
oh Red Maps a Plenty
Toss a Chaos to your Leader

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