Beta Invite Email

Can I get THE key please???
key post bumping
damn a lot of people wanna play this (me included...)
posted here like months (september) ago... still nothing...

me very patient.. (till end februari ^^)
why isn't this topic Stickied?
When you step on me
I do not shatter

i wish i was waching when my name came up for the bata key ive only found out today i got the key a week ago.
Why is it so hard to get invited :( I really want to help out!!!
Umm yeah. Ok. Cool.
still out there looking for the beta some day i know some day...
hope to get one soon
I really want one too! We need to start a chain beta key thing. If I get it will be put back into the forums.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Thanks System for the Beta Key!
would like beta key pls :D

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