Beta Invite Email

Beta Key pls
Would love the get a beta key. Thanks.
Wish I could get a beta key right here today soon, I see some random names getting Mishima even got a key, what a boss.
Beta-Ing since - November 25, 2011 5:43 AM
i need key please, snif...
random key timer really sucks
it gave key to ppl who made account yestarday n
ppl who didnt log in since september
i guess its time4 me 2have my key, come2dady :)=
I would really appreciate a beta key. and I will invite more if I can recieve a key, thank you.
I would love to have a key please
Iam very thankfull if i get an invite. Wait so long and want to play with my friend, that got invited but wait not so long as me :(
:) i want beta key i whoud realy like to play this game :)

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