Beta Invite Email

well, here am i again asking for a key. Come on, send me one for all the gods :D. ;-)
probably no chance of getting a key here with the tsunami of requests. i heard about PoE from Lumin's youtube channel where he shows the passive skill tree system:

i was mesmerized. i'm playing Skyrim right now and the perk system is a joke. no other game i know of right now that allows such intricate character customization that PoE appears to offer. i would love to dive in and experience this game. if i get in i'll be playing with my nick AlteredAgain. my email is 4lt3r3d4g41n AT zoho DOT com.
Bonan wrote:
hi Candipanties i see you finaly seen the light and joined the que..
I stopped playing Drankensang beta afew months ago omg at playing lots to test there beta and only 2 classes(max 4 soon) with only 10 spells (5 very weak 5 strong but pay to use!) lol

i can see Path of exile 500% better and not evan played it yet... hint give key :)

Oh ? Who were you in Drakensang??
I was Leat, but I agree- sux. And they want you to spend money on Beta toons that they might wipe? Criminal!
I am very excited and impatient.The game are so AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
c,mon lads!!!,Duelist will pawned some bug!
It is so beautiful to read these on your email inbox. Have to say it's totally worth it.

Game looks to be tons of fun. Can't wait to get a chance to log in
Give me one beta key please,, TYVM.
Give me one beta key please
Reg Since 5. August ....still no key..... -_-"....

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