Mechanics thread

What is the totem targeting range?
Sorry if it's been asked before, but I couldn't find it via searching. Basically curious as to what exactly has happened to spark. The last time I used it was right after the interaction with fork nerf. The gem says the base duration is now 1.5s but after casting the spell it still seems to last for 3.5s(that is the sparks crawling on the ground stay there for 3.5s). Just wondering if spork totem builds are still viable now, or if I should be looking into another spell to use with totems. I know in general spark was supposed to be nerfed, I just can't find exactly how it was.
IGN: I_Say_Fry.
Shop thread
Mark_GGG wrote:
Posting this here so it exists. So far as I'm aware, this list should be up-to-date.

Base Radius of Skills:
Auras (base radius at level 1): 36
Arctic Breath (explosion on impact): Explosion radius is 7, Ice placement radius is 14
Cleave: 20.
Curses (base radius at level 1): 16
Cyclone: Uses range of weapon, also measures from edge of player rather than centre, like melee attacks:
Thrusting One Hand Sword 7
Two Hand Axe 7
One Hand Sword 6
Staff 6
Two Hand Mace 6
Two Hand Sword 6
Dagger 5
One Hand Axe 5
One Hand Mace 5
Claw 5
Sceptre 5
Unarmed 4
Detonate Dead: 16
Discharge: 30
Enduring Cry: 60
Explosive Arrow (base radius at 1 arrow): 15
Fire Trap: 15
Fireball (explosion on impact): 8
Firestorm: Base radius of storm is 18, radius of individual explosions is 9
Ice Nova: 30
Infernal Blow: 15
Leap Slam: 15
Lightning Arrow: 16
Lightning Warp: 16
Molten Shell: 15
Poison Arrow (cloud radius): 20
Rain of Arrows: 18
Righteous Fire: 10
Shock Nova: Outer radius 26, inner 14
Shockwave Totem: 20
Sweep: 20
Ground Slam: 35

Do you have the radius for the additional skills mentioned here?
Avelice wrote:
Thank you so much! I've wanted to know skill radiuses forever. A few things were missed that might be helpful:

Radius of effect on items (Leer Cast)
Freeze Mine
Ice Shot cone?
Melee Splash AOE
Smoke Mine
Cold Snap

Also, how does radius AOE work for something like ground slam? It's visually hard to tell the shape of these things, so it seems to me Ground slam is more of a cone. Is it that cone that has radius 35? Then does increased AOE just affect the distance and not width?

Also, if I'm to understand this right, Cyclone is the only weapon AOE skill that uses your weapon's range? As such, getting Master of the Arena to increase weapon range wouldn't increase the AOE of something like Cleave at all?

Malice wrote:
Blocking an attack prevents all damage and other harmful effects from the attack.

This statement is not entirely true. Some On hit effects from skills like Glacial Hammer and Viper Strike will still apply because block doesn't prevent a successful hit.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Why the heck is Cast Speed so valuable?

-I put on 40% Spell Damage, -20% Cast Speed gloves and lose DPS.
-The Cruel Bandits quest gives twice as much attack speed as cast speed, even though they both affect skill usage with the same formula.

What gives?
Avelice wrote:
Also, how does radius AOE work for something like ground slam? It's visually hard to tell the shape of these things, so it seems to me Ground slam is more of a cone. Is it that cone that has radius 35? Then does increased AOE just affect the distance and not width?

Ground Slam has a 90° cone with the given radius. Increased AoE will affect the radius of the cone but not the angle.

Avelice wrote:
Also, if I'm to understand this right, Cyclone is the only weapon AOE skill that uses your weapon's range? As such, getting Master of the Arena to increase weapon range wouldn't increase the AOE of something like Cleave at all?

Bonuses to weapon range don't increase the AoE of Cleave, no.
one fast question:

if would have two the same curses, one lvl 10, and one lvl 15, if i would cast lvl 10 on top of 15, will it replace it or leave the better one be?
Why did you patch and open the beta?
does shock duration calculate from only lighting damage done by your attacks or does it apply to all damage?

so if you deal 100 physical and 100 lightning to a target, does shock duration calculate based on 100 damage or 200?
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
100 damage
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