Mechanics thread
combine elemental equalibrium, LMP and explosive arrow, and added lightning damage - what would you get?
the mobs hit become weak to fire and cold. then 3 explosions occur at the exact same time. are they calculated 1 by 1, giving 1 the -50% resist and the other 2 +25% Thanks in advance :) fractured devourer: @ScionLeTard @Tardesis |
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I remember reading this somewhere, but didn't GGG make a patch note mentioning that your chance to hit was capped against the highest level mobs, i.e. lvl 76 mobs? I just want to confirm this.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: |
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" Normally, your Chance to Hit display is an Accuracy check against a pre-set amount of Evasion Rating based on your character level. However, monsters do not scale above level 76, so once you surpassed that level, your Chance to Hit appeared lower than it actually was (you hit level 76 monsters more often than level 90). The change simply made that defender Evasion Rating cap at level 76. |
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" Thanks! I remember reading about it, just don't remember which patch notes had the adjustment. Yea, I was aware that they kept scaling accuracy against theoretical mobs at your level whatever your level was. Kind of dumb to do that, but at least it's fixed. Should also provide some scale for the new accuracy/evasion change coming in patch .11.2. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: |
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" bump this one. would like to know as well, thx. | |
Is it possible to have 100% chance to avoid stun with 50% avoid to stun by ES + Passives? Are they additive? Hypothetically, even if there may not be enough passives to stack up to 100%, is this possible?
Because of this new passive: "A new notable, Heart of Oak, replaces the old stun avoidance passives in the Ranger starting area. It offers 4% increased maximum Life, 30% chance to avoid being Stunned and 1% Life Regenerated per Second." SOURCE: [Trade] -> Whisper me IGN: TrapAndHide
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"even the devs had hard time explaining es stun doging and passive stun doging, they aren't the same stat but they do the exact same thing. it isn't addictive but mysteriously isn't multiplicative either... which is the part they didn't fully explain (because i understood the rest of it via reading forums). |
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Curious about mitigating reflected EA explosion damage.
I know fire resist helps. Assuming the attack isn't made with resolute technique/lionseye. What out of evade/ondars guile/ dodge/spell dodge/block/ spell block helps mitigate elemental reflected damage from explosive arrow's explosion. and if the attack is made with resolute technique/lionseye. do any of dodge/spell dodge/block/spell block help. I assume enfeeble/blind on the target do not help. ign: Anviss Last edited by evantrees#0655 on Jul 16, 2013, 2:36:27 AM
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How does evasion interact with reflected critical damage?
Is the reflected damage returned as 'plain' absolute damage or is returned as 'critical' damage and evasion interacts with it like when an enemy crits you (if they score a hit, an other roll is performed to check if you get crit or not)? Example: I score a bow attack crit against a reflect damage mob, which returns damage to me. What happens next? I can either evade the damage returned (1 roll); or if it's returned as 'critical' I can either evade it or not (first roll), and if I don't evade it an other check will be made (second roll) in case I fail the second roll I'll receive the full reflected damage (crit), and if I succeed only the non-crit part of the total hit will be reflected. |
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" Mark said that the explosion is non-weapon non-spell projectile fire damage. For me non wepon means not an attack also, so i think that the only thing to reduce the damage relection is the fire resist. |
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