Mechanics thread

Another question:
Yesterday I found a ring with lightning damage (like 3-47 damage).
I was happy. That would increase DPS of my Ice Spear a few points. But to my suprise I saw no change in DPS? Is this weapon-only damage?
^yes, any ele damage bonuses that don't come from a support gem only apply to physical attacks with your weapons. It also applies to wands if you want to know.
1337 21gn17ur3
ExiledToWraeclast wrote:
^yes, any ele damage bonuses that don't come from a support gem only apply to physical attacks with your weapons. It also applies to wands if you want to know.

For clarity: wouldn't it be a good idea to change the description to 'weapon elemental damage'?
Kaw wrote:
ExiledToWraeclast wrote:
^yes, any ele damage bonuses that don't come from a support gem only apply to physical attacks with your weapons. It also applies to wands if you want to know.

For clarity: wouldn't it be a good idea to change the description to 'weapon elemental damage'?

Obviously, there are many strange design choices in this game, and the one you mention is just the top of the iceberg.
soul4hdwn wrote:
it is the first case, and you shouldn't read it as "% over 200", you're getting full amount of that increase. think you were trying to get a "mow much more benefit am i going to get out of this?" when you said "effective % increase over 200".

the only multiplicative boost to es is from "more" es node behind chaos indoct.

Yeah, I checked it on an old Witch.
To reiterate, there is no second multiplication.
Both the %ES and +% maximum ES nodes are within the same set, and both linear.
This means that focusing on ES nodes is more effective than it would have been, and that the ES increase from Int is also in the same set: +% maximum ES.

That only exception is the one past CI (:
Last edited by zakar#2784 on Apr 16, 2013, 11:17:16 PM
Traps mechanics still confuse me.

Let's take Fire Trap.

Is it affected by Spell Damage % passives? If so, which part is (explosion, burning ground, ignite damage on crit)?

How do Fire and Burning Damage % interact with it?

Is it affected by Crit Chance for Spells? If so, which part is (see above)?

Does the same apply to Bear Trap?

ign: PhrozenFlame
I'm a little bit confused about Explosive Arrow's explosion portion.

As I understand it's tagged as AOE, Fire, and projectile. This was done to make it so things like LMP and GMP modify the damage.

My question is regarding the "projectile damage" passive nodes near duelist start. There is a total of +36% projectile damage (NOT listed as projectile damage with bow or weapon). When I look at the tooltip, it shows the base damage of my explosions, 22-34 for level 1 EA, EVEN though I should have closer to 30-46. I am assuming these projectile damage nodes should increase the damage (let me know if this is incorrect).

Is this a case of lying character screen, a bug, or is this damage actually taking effect (but not showing up on the screen)?
xx420gokussjholocaust wrote:
When I look at the tooltip, it shows the base damage of my explosions
The answer is in fact in your own post. It's not possible to show the total damage of the explosion because that depends on unknown (and unknowable) factors, so it shows the base damage per target, to which the increases apply.
Mark_GGG wrote:
xx420gokussjholocaust wrote:
When I look at the tooltip, it shows the base damage of my explosions
The answer is in fact in your own post. It's not possible to show the total damage of the explosion because that depends on unknown (and unknowable) factors, so it shows the base damage per target, to which the increases apply.

I keep seeing this ~"some tooltips don't show precise data because the info is unknowable" from you guys. Could you explain that? It seems strange to me and surely others that the game itself can't know what the game itself is generating. :P At the least it should be able to show a range, if the numbers are randomized.
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Apr 18, 2013, 9:49:47 PM
The skill cannot possibly know in advance how many charges will be present in the explosion. It would need that to show the total damage of the explosion, factoring in all modifiers. Since this is clearly impossible, it instead shows the base damage.

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