Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

As far as I understood the mechanic: shock effect size is calculated by the damage that the shocking spell did.
If that is correct then I guess that any side spell like cwdt orb of storms will never shock for much while our main spell has the potential for a serious shock. (But I guess that the 10% shock of your flask might do a good job anyway)
HennekY wrote:
So... It was really heavy blow. Almost CO.

Something like Shaper of storms + Bastion of elements + Heart of destruction. Heavily invest in shock effect and crit and get those juicy cluster jewel bonuses. Don't know if it will be viable though .

I hope Enki will find a way to save this build. But its a hard task

Might be better to pick shaper of winter instead of heart of destruction since we don't need aoe for arc. Changed Cold Conduction cluster actually very good in this setup. Invest in ailment strength, 60% max shock cluster and stack crit.

Shaper of winter gives us a very good defensive layer in form of chill since you can easily chill even bosses with recent changes.
will templar(hiero) be straight up better then witch for MoM now?
lycanking20 wrote:
will templar(hiero) be straight up better then witch for MoM now?

I doubt it would be better ... but last tests i did you can get about 1000 regen more from it but damage wise witch is still better i think... but defensive wise templar is better specially with 50% aliment thingy
POB Community Fork is updated for those who want to see what the changes mean to them.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
it is dead in 3.15?
Neonplus wrote:
it is dead in 3.15?

This build was started in 2014, and've been changed for every single league. Some changes were very drastic. So no - build is not dead.

Enki usually updates this build in last two days before the new league patch.

Last edited by HennekY#0532 on Jul 22, 2021, 3:30:59 AM
Thank you, Enki. Your build helped me get into poe as I would never have reached maps without it.
You are a great guide Writer and an even better human. :)

Now 3.15 helped me get out of poe. I might finally do healthy stuff in my leisure time. Healthier than poe at least.

HennekY wrote:
Neonplus wrote:
it is dead in 3.15?

This build was started in 2014, and've been changed for every single league. Some changes were very drastic. So no - build is not dead.

Enki usually updates this build in last two days before the new league patch.

True. I did some PoB work and looks like ditching golems and archmage is the new strat.
Pick shaper of storms, shaper of winter, aegis and mastermind of discord. Stack shock and chill effect, crit chance and crit damage.
Damage looks ok, we can go ES/full block with good investments.
But that are just my thoughts, will see god gamer Enki updates
Last edited by Hyperionkek#1330 on Jul 22, 2021, 6:16:45 AM
For those coming to this build to see if it is being updated. It sounds like this build is no longer viable in it's current form. Enki has created a new build here:


Which does still utilize Arc and is still the same detailed beginner friendly build as this! :)

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