[PIG] Pigs Are Great: Casual guild focused on kindness, generosity, and helping new exiles [95/100]

Let me know if you need some help with coding and/or graphic design. I'd be glad to help.
I would like to join
ign Cooladam
I also would like to join, please.

IGN: MasterElodin

Thank you!
I'm looking for more bloodlines folks to play with.


hey, im a beginner in poe but know the basics since i leveled a char to 70 before, just came back to the game and want to find some ppl to play with and learn from. this guild seems to be exactly what i hoped to find, since i'm only a casual player looking for fun and enjoy the game

ign: doChi_ / doChi__
Last edited by doChl#0632 on Feb 10, 2015, 2:25:54 PM
Hiya pigs!
I would like to join your guild, please.
ive played this game a few month back and have recently beginning to get more actiive.
Hope to see you guys in the guildchannel soon :)
I would like to join please.

IGN: Pamelea

Thank you for the invite!
We are still seeking active members. Feel free to message me on the forums or ingame if anyone is interested :D
New to the game and playing one or twice a week. I would like to join if possible. IGN Samsamduck

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