EU01-09-HC 3v3 Open Blitz
The queue for this tournament can be found in the "Events" tab of the "Events and PvP" panel. This can be accessed in-game through the menu button, or by pressing B (by default). You must queue for this tournament in order to participate in it. You can enter this type of tournament late if needed.
You must be on the following league/gateway to participate in this tournament: League: Hardcore Gateway: Europe PvP-only characters can be used for this tournament. Instructions on how to create preconstructed PvP-only characters can be found here. This tournament is accessible to characters of all levels. You may queue as a party of up to 3 players in this event. This is a Blitz event Blitz events are all about killing other players as quickly as possible, so keep that in mind when picking your build. More information on how this format works can be found in the PvP rules. Each kill is worth 1 point. The top 20 players by points will receive:
Prizes for reaching specific point tiers:
Gameplay & Level Design
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it says you can use pvp only chars for this tourney are those lvl 100 in this case?
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
" They're the same level 28 ones. There's just nothing in the rules saying you can't if you really want to. Gameplay & Level Design
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What happens if you join this solo, do you randomly get teamed up with others who queued solo?
P2 (SSF): 85 Infern; 72 Warbr
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96 (dead) |
Why is this hc and not standard? There is hardly any playerbase on hc..
edit: just saw there is no open event for standard (where all HLD pvpers are), ridiculous.. Last edited by Xorim#4799 on Dec 22, 2014, 3:01:40 PM
" Would like to know this as well. Trying to put together a higher hc char. Your party has to queue all in the same instance to not get the error. Last edited by terrex#7466 on Dec 22, 2014, 3:04:37 PM
Can't join "party isn't large enough" even though we are 3 people
" Your party has to queue all in the same instance.. Last edited by terrex#7466 on Dec 22, 2014, 3:04:26 PM
Lol can't join, fail pvp event is fail.
im solo and i cant join it says my party is not full enough