How about a drawback to using EA?

I hate it when GGG nerfs a skill to the point where its useless. Although i dislike the skill gem at the moment.. i wouldn't want to see Explosive Arrow become the next Righteous Fire (Dead Skill). I recommend that the devs incorporate some kind of drawback to using EA. How does Premature Detonation Chance sound?
There could be an initial 20% chance for the skill to detonate in the users face and this % would increase by 1% per arrow the more the person uses it. A cooldown for the detonation would show in the top left of the screen.
Team Omniscient

Totaly agree and I am even playing EA currently , meele has 0% chance win , caster 1% , mirror match up depents on gear , lvl , skill.
It is the new RF
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
I think either use limited number of arrow like traps that refill overtime, or make it so ea can hurt the user when on the wall
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
hi i don't pvp anymore but from spectating my friends vs EA. i agree with the op post

EA need to be looked at it is too over powerful atm.
Last edited by googie337#4637 on Dec 14, 2014, 5:08:13 PM
I agree. Definitely something need to be done about EA. In it's current state it is too OP.
Dullahan987 wrote:
I think either use limited number of arrow like traps that refill overtime, or make it so ea can hurt the user when on the wall

+1 some sort of cool down mechanic or introduce friendly fire to EA would make the matches a lot more manageable.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
I was talking with Mulla a day ago, and he suggested to add something like "Chance to stick the fuse", or whatever you may call it. So the point is, EA will have a chance to stick those god damn (sorry, I am really pissed right now) fuses to enemies, walls, ceilings and so on. But considering the attack burst speed every EA char got I doubt it will help.

I still don't get it, tho, why does the fuse sticks up my ass and deals the impact even if the arrow was blocked. Doesn't make sense at all.

Also not to mention, EA is a best shit right now to level Leo in a blistering speed, lol.
IGN: RichMightyWitch
o hey there richy i luv u
I have been playing Ea from the beginning of OB
I am afraid if they change anything about it it will become obsolete

my suggestion is exclude it from pvp but dont change, because if u change anything it will become uselles in the PVE game, because what u use in Pve is completely different from pvp, u use dot.
I agree its op in pvp, however, i guarantee there will be no range builds in pvp apart from EA, because in pvp melee is just op, especially movement gems like flicker, whirling and light warp.

whatever they change, someone will be pissed, whether its EA or some other skill
semma_car19 wrote:
I have been playing Ea from the beginning of OB
I am afraid if they change anything about it it will become obsolete

my suggestion is exclude it from pvp but dont change, because if u change anything it will become uselles in the PVE game, because what u use in Pve is completely different from pvp, u use dot.
I agree its op in pvp, however, i guarantee there will be no range builds in pvp apart from EA, because in pvp melee is just op, especially movement gems like flicker, whirling and light warp.

whatever they change, someone will be pissed, whether its EA or some other skill
Flicker actually had a good balance last patch its alot less op then it was before but i have to agree i am afaird that EA gets trash in pve cause if you reduce the dmg of it in pvp szenario only it does change the fact that you can stack it against walls etc hard to balance for sure but i hope somehow it can get balanced :/
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe

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