[1.3] POTCG DomBlow
The minions you dominate *do* drop loot still. Unless something has changed recently.
Your army will go away whenever you portal or change zones, yes. It changes how you map a little, since you don't want to portal out and sell items quite so often (if you do that kind of thing). |
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Hey man, I just wanted to say I'm very much enjoying your build so far. It's not as cookie-cutter as other builds which clear areas insanely quick, but it easily makes up for it with sheer tankiness. I currently just got my marauder to A2merc and I've probably only ever died 3 times (which is far less than other glass cannon builds I play with).
It feels quite satisfying to be able to facetank Dominus's lightning barrage or face off against Hailrake without being frozen to death. Add the minions into the mix and you've got a deadly rave. So my question is: Is this build Atziri viable? Given how hard your minions can hit and Atziri occasionally conjuring minions of her own, I'd imagine you should be able to keep your army replenished to keep beating her down. If this build is Atziri viable, you should totally make a video of it! PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.
Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build! MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. |
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Not sure if you've been following upcoming content in 2.0, but GGG is releasing a "fortify" support gem. It appears to give 25% increased damage and applies the fortify buff, which gives 25% damage mitigation from most sources of damage except DoT.
Do you suppose it would fit in nicely as another alternative support for 6l dom blow? Having minions apply the fortify buff to themselves would make them incredibly tanky! PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.
Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build! MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. |
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I have only half been following all the beta stuff (it's a lot) but I did hear about fortify. I would want to work it into my build somehow - at least for myself, if not also for my minions.
I suspect this build will have some MAJOR changes coming. Especially with jewels. I have quite a few builds I will need to tinker with at 2.0 so I may not get to this one right away - but it also might be a good "first build" for the league (POTCG is super cheap and you can go far with just that) so it might be the first thing I update. If anyone tests this on beta or when it goes live, please post your findings! EDIT: ...as for the Atziri question from before, it would definitely struggle. I can see it getting past each boss just fine with it's good duration Immortal Call, high armor and life, and insane % life regen. The problem will be damage I'd suspect. Building an army would be rough - anything you tag is going to die super fast to boss damage. Still, you can flail away at the boss with your giant stick and wait till it dies. Probably do-able (with good gear, of course) for an achievement, but a bad idea for farming. You can always just switch out gems and run a 6L heavy strike, though. Nearly all your stats translate to using other staff damage skills, so you are not locked into DomBlow by any means. Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Apr 29, 2015, 9:36:15 PM
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