Mirror Service 7L/6L caster dagger

Creater of Foe Whorl here,

I agree, Ray's ring is definitely better for your particular build as mine aimed more towards ele vagan dagger/ele wand/windripper essentially any flat ele-damage build that doesnt have an easy time getting 90-100% ele conversion setup that something like wands can do easily.

I also made
about 2 weeks ago, according your PoB you gain approximately 12.5k additional effective dps.

Link to comparison:https://gyazo.com/2bdc655dc759fca4c6fe0447e1e1e693

As you can see it currently has a 20% es master craft as the last prefix but I'm debating doing a life version, is this something you think you'd mirror if it were available? I'm curious if theres enough interest to warrant me dumping the 40ish eternals avg to make a second version and figured this was a good time to ask around.
Crafter of many items.
All items for sale. Can contact me on forums or in game.

IGN: MaiCedere
Mai_Cedere wrote:
Creater of Foe Whorl here,

I agree, Ray's ring is definitely better for your particular build as mine aimed more towards ele vagan dagger/ele wand/windripper essentially any flat ele-damage build that doesnt have an easy time getting 90-100% ele conversion setup that something like wands can do easily.

I also made
about 2 weeks ago, according your PoB you gain approximately 12.5k additional effective dps.

Link to comparison:https://gyazo.com/2bdc655dc759fca4c6fe0447e1e1e693

As you can see it currently has a 20% es master craft as the last prefix but I'm debating doing a life version, is this something you think you'd mirror if it were available? I'm curious if theres enough interest to warrant me dumping the 40ish eternals avg to make a second version and figured this was a good time to ask around.

i loved your ring, seriously. worth to craft for life definitely.
it gives really good results with my pob code cause its a pvp setup which is Starving for crit multi and crit chance. however, if you make a build for pve where you'd have 75+ crit chance and 500 crit multi, it turns out slowly steel ring closes the gap even gets better eventually after a point.

https://pastebin.com/ndMUFiJk without crit mod on steel ring(1 suffix open), 798k on bramble eye,
795k on gloom grip. if you craft CC on bramble eye(as its advertised in ray's threads), the dps becomes 805k.

im giving this input for your consideration. maybe there are other builds which get benefit from crit multi more? probably. also steel rings dps buff is acoording the weapons base aps and dps. wands have low X-Y damage and steel might be way better there but for 880 pdps axe, things might be different you know... the comparison might turn out something totally different there. also str is better for melee builds and provides +life, probably for melee builds your ring would outperform other rings out there, in case you roll it for a life build. whatever the answers are, that ring is really good, worth to invest on. you just have to run a lot of tests for different setups for sure.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jul 3, 2017, 12:40:13 PM
I think in pve we all prefer more cc/cm on tree rather than Rupenus' pvp profile which lack of both.
That says, in general builds who have 70~80% effective cc (with diamond flask) / 500 cm, diamond ring base and 25% multi lose efficiency. Not to mention melee builds can have 600~700 cm easily.

Gloom Grip is really good for es build who always lack of str.
IGN: Rayamn
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Last edited by aphrodite_1289#2041 on Jul 3, 2017, 11:16:15 AM
IGN: Rayamn
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IGN: Rayamn
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IGN: Rayamn
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IGN: Rayamn
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IGN: Rayamn
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IGN: Rayamn
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IGN: Rayamn
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