Vaal Fragment Changes in 1.2.4d

Annnd Columbus discovers America! Finally!
Kiri2k wrote:
The fun thing is that is not even 100% chance to drop. That's not really the way to go.

Prob. the chance will be the same as for vaal vessels, ie. 80% - 90% chance to drop a frag.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
tmaciak wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:
muhomorov wrote:
7 Vaal Skill Gems + 1 Vaal fragment = Vaal Orb...

No buffs needed. Quit whining or quit the game. Jeez....

and then with your 1 vaal orb you can vaal a map and get a chance to get 1 of the 8 pieces required to make another vaal orb while risking either your entire hardcore character or 10 exalts+ of maps/rolling xp on a stupid 8 prop map that is as likely to brick mapdrop wise as running a 2 property blue map in practical terms. Ya the system totally works man I don't understand why people are just looking at this change and laughing at how stupid it is.


Seems like this change is only for bored 100 lvl character owners on SC.

Correction, only for bored 100 lvl character owners on SC who trade.

The change sux.

~ bored self found 100 lvl character owner on SC.
Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Nov 10, 2014, 4:07:19 AM
Another case of GGG listening to the players while imposing an own, clever solution.

e: Now people complain about Vaal drop rates... >_>
Last edited by Sa_Re#3411 on Nov 10, 2014, 4:15:15 AM
It's unfortunate that the game is balanced around farmers but I guess it's a necessity in a game that wants to protect its economy.

So, whilst there appears to be an increasing amount of content that I will probably never see as a casual player, I am thankful there is still enough enjoyment for me in the content that's not gated behind a "play-wall".
There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
Good logic. Hope it brings down price of sac sets further!
D3 sucks
Barl wrote:
It was intentional that Vaal Fragments didn't drop in the existing end-game (or from bosses people already run like Piety or Dominus), because we designed the content to be an alternative end-game activity.

We didn't want to increase the spawn rate of Corrupted Areas (as we have to manage the amount of complex distractions that players run into while playing), and we didn't want to make Fragments drop from existing end-game activities that players already performed. We also wanted to tie the new way of getting Vaal Fragments into something Vaal-themed.

This was and remains a terrible design decision. You guys just aren't getting it. Have you read the hundreds and hundreds of feedback posts detailing why? Farming low level content was NEVER a good alternative to end game activity.

In update 1.2.4d, bosses of corrupted Maps have a high chance to drop a Vaal Fragment or Vaal Skill Gem. This change works extremely well in testing. It encourages people to play corrupted Maps which are a lot more random and fun due to their crazy eight mods or through being unidentified. It also makes the dual-boss Map mod a lot more exciting.

A small band-aid that does little to nothing to alleviate the poor design decision of having to farm LOW LEVEL CONTENT for access to END GAME ACTIVITIES.

Go back to the drawing board. Read the hundreds of feedback posts on this, because you guys are still lost on this one.

A small band-aid that does little to nothing to alleviate the poor design decision of having to farm LOW LEVEL CONTENT for access to END GAME ACTIVITIES.

I have nothing to add. +1
kek, no thx ! Sure aint vaaling the maps i run. Only way i see this work is when i find carto in luna runs and vaal that. Vaal orbs arent cheap so not gonna vaal maps individually. Never found a carto in high map anyway...
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
Last edited by Erak#1807 on Nov 10, 2014, 4:27:23 AM
morbo wrote:
+1 GGG

This suggestion was going around even before SotV released. It took some time, but yeah... we all know it makes sense.

Let no Courtyard map be run uncorrupted! :)

so let me get this right, you are going to use a vaal orb to corrupt courtyards, that are worth 1exalt+ each, to try and get a vaal fragment thats worth less than a vaal orb? Even if you hit that lucky jackpot midnight fragment drop, that midnight fragment is worth less than the courtyard map you just ran. If any other fragment drops its worth virtually nothing, its like a 66-69 map dropping from a lvl78 boss in value terms. Whens the last time you got hyped because Courtyard boss dropped you a Tunnel map?

This makes risk vs reward sense to anyone here? Risk running a map that could cost you truly significant amounts if you die in order to maybe find something that isnt even worth as much as it cost you to corrupt the bloody map to start with. 8 pieces required to make a vaal orb, so vaal a carto box, get 8 vaaled maps back and guess what, after running these 8 horrible maps you might have enough to make another vaal orb to vaal another box.. yay? No?

No, its absolutely retarded. There is no risk vs reward balance in running corrupted maps, not before or after this change, theres no risk v reward sense in running hard yellow maps, theres no risk vs reward sense in killing hard bosses. Those that do these things do them because they want to, and will continue to do so regardless of meaningless changes like this, and those that dont still wont. If GGG thinks there is any meaningful risk vs reward balance in their endgame then they need to get their head out of server stats screens and actually play their own game because it just doesnt exist, at all.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
So basicly if i vaal orb a white plateu do i have a chance of getting a atziri fragment?

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