[2.0] Pure Dex/Eva Close Combat BUILD - CRIT DUAL STRIKER 200k+ DPS w/ avg cheap gear (atziri video)
" actually, yes! Already discussed it w/ some followers too ;) Indeed, w/ coil is "safer", as some phys dmg would be negated And I'm totally supporting those who want to make a variation of this build to use some armour My point on using Queen of the forest is that it's some kind of a thematic build ;) An answer to the question: "Is it possible to make a viable build w/ ONLY evasion ?, no armour or ES ?" The answer is not only a big YES, but a really impressive build that can wreck endgame content .. I like to discuss this kind of strategic thinking ;) pls dont hesitate to pm me ingame :) WTS - IRL Superior Determination = PRICELESS
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" You know I was thinking about doing just that. Got a Legacy Coil and indeed the mitigation sounds promising. Was thinking about running Hatred+HoA (with Prolif)+PoL. So it would be something like 4kHP - Coil - 40%dodge. It sounds solid on paper, I'll see how it turns out once 2.0 goes live though. Also, on the Wiki it says that the portion of the damage converted to Lightning can Shock. Is that too often? Nothing a right modded flask can't solve, I guess. pd: When the OP talks about "thematic build" and uses that image and GIF on the first page, it releases my inner geek. Please stop, it'll get my toon killed (?) Potato girl keeps on runnin'
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Sounds good m8!
Pls show us your progress on this build :) WTS - IRL Superior Determination = PRICELESS
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sorry, not sure if it was already written on pages 2-6, but why no take added fire instead of melee dmg on full life? might get more overall damage, because of constance?
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" Hi Omatthias! Thats a good point at the start of the game, until some point in the future where you are not being hit very often and able to heal yourself almost instantly, YES. You are right. Added fire dmg will be more efficient than Melee Dmg on Full Life My guess is that +- at lvl 60~65, and have at least a 5L, or 6L w/ tabula, Melee Dmg on Full Life becomes more efficient When you already have a 6L, you should always have 1 Added Fire Damage w/ you You will want to change the Melee Splash for Added Fire Dmg in some areas, to fight bosses for instance So, 1 tip that I'm not sure if I mentioned before ;) - Always level one Added Fire Dmg gem in you secondary weapon set ;) WTS - IRL Superior Determination = PRICELESS
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" hey harley i am using my tabula at the moment for leveling purposes... i just reached level 52 dealing now 7k dps just including HoA... im not sure if i followed your leveling purposes,i actually just looked at your tree and made some simple personal changes.. however i do need 7% mana leech at the moment to sustain my mana needs... each attack cost 42 (or 49 not sure at the Moment) mana, which is really hard to get. i use a belt with 2% mana leech, the 2% from tree and 3% mana leech skillgem... taking it out for Melee Dmg on full life (or any other support gem) results unfortunately in less mana leech and more mana costs which become unsastainable... any hints for that problem? and the second question is, im really glad having at the moment about 55% resistance to any element, with tabula its hard to get more, correct? i am still using goldrim leather cap because of its 37% resistance to all elements, and im using wanderlust shoes just because i like not beeing frozen, and because the game fucks me with not dropping eva-shoes....) im Moment i have to run grace instead of hatred, so more dps is coming in future, however for act2 merciless, lvl 52, i would call 6,8k dps a very good value, what would u say? edit: would u consider this dagger as "pre-endgame" viable:
Last edited by omatthias#4195 on May 29, 2015, 4:26:39 AM
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Hello Omatthias!
About your mana problem, actually not sure if its really a problem If you check some of my videos, you will see that I also can't "sustain" mana for a non-stop attack sequence hitting nothing But the point is that the whirling blades is really cheap and will fill your mana w/ mana leech whirling blades mana cost is 12, and Im regenerating 24 mana points per second If you are having some real problem w/ it, 1 trick that would help is to use 1 Elreon'n ring or amulet, for -7/8 mana cost The problem w/ this trick is that it's really hard/expensive to have 1 Eldeon's ring w/ others good properties About your dagger, it's really cool Specially if you can craft attack speed on it About your gear, yes, it's really hard to get to max elemental resists using tabula I would change first your boots for a rare one, w/ better movement speed and the elemental resists you are missing WTS - IRL Superior Determination = PRICELESS
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As i was writing with harley, he asked me to give you all a short update on my progression to see if this build is still viable, and i can say, yes of course it is.
Since my last post, my inventory has changed a bit, this brought me a wide boost of survivability and damage. I do deal now (on level 58) more then 15k dps and all that without hatred! my devensive stats were sufficient to kill dominus on level 54, without dying at his second form, (well i died ones during his first stage due to not paying attention to his touch of god ^^) But actually my gear is really sufficient for actual gameplay, even with the use of tabula rasa, only those f**** voidbearers inside the docks kill me, because of my lack of fire resistance. You're invited to have a look on the provided screenshot ![]() My current
as you all may see, i am not using enduring cry and immortall call. this has two reasons: the first is i ran out of chromatics (yeah really, trying to get 4 reds on an eva chest is so annoying) and the second is, i love spectres. its really coo lto have another long lasting target and it safed my ass several times... neverless, i think i would change this asap. the next thing i just want to mention, is that using whirling blades, you kinda create you laggs... ones u get a little offset on the server you might be set back about kilometers from where u might have been alreaedy, just because of a little stone in your way, which didnt block you but does that now... this is disgusting and may kill you! keep that in mind, and if get the impression ur stuck, use /ooc just to go sure because nothing sucks more then beeing stuck in a rare mob ;-) also i got exactly no mana problems at the moment, so i do mind changing the belt eg... if you got the feeling u might get use of more damage, try to get as much +phys dmg on your jewellry, as you see i got 17-34 just on my jewellery. if you got any remaining questions, ask harley or post here in the build... Last edited by omatthias#4195 on Jun 3, 2015, 12:49:16 PM
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have you tried this build with uber? you seem to have the DPS to do it but with little phys mitigation, might be a little harder. Thoughts?
POE is life. POE is ♥.
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I tried 1 uber set w/ this build once the outcome is that it seems that the Giant Golems have something like infinity accuracy :P (lol) it is undoubtedly possible, but a few changes on the gear and gems configuration is needed The most important thing to try it is to be able to self-cast enduring cry and immortal call, as the phys dmg doers can and WILL hit you, and it's always a hit-kill blow (5k dmg hit vs no phys mitigation) the DPS isnt a problem, everything hit in the area is instantly killed even the Double Vaal Oversoul boss died in a matter of seconds the BIG and REAL problem is the Boss Trio Im not used to play self-casting immortal call / enduring cry, so I think I messed up things but the idea is to do something like this guy did : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVjYYZk-4Fg&feature=youtu.be In Short, use the Rise of the Phoenix, as the fire portion of dmg of the Dual Striker dude IS NO JOKE! Have "remove burning" flasks ready and a lot, I mean a TON of patience to always take your distance and cast enduring cry to get max endurance charges, and go face them w/ immortal call activated In my try, I left the 4 arms lady for last... that was a big mistake (for this build) Her "rain of darts" skill lasts forever when she is the last survivor, and I got all the screen full of those spells running :P, meaning no space to stop and cast enduring cry I think that the uber atziri herself would not be a problem for this build Flameblasts or Storm Call would obviously hit-kill this build, but the idea is that we would not let those spells hit The spear would eventually hit but not kill, and we could heal really fast this dude could kill her the same way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvYrGDL-ZHA And I think that this build could kill her way faster and efficiently I just didnt tried it again as I dont have currency enough to buy an uber set to spare :) But Im planning to do it sometime again in the near future ;) WTS - IRL Superior Determination = PRICELESS Last edited by HarleyCabral#7027 on Jun 3, 2015, 4:57:56 PM
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