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How to report missing items on currency.poe.trade?
Noticed some missing div card few days ago and a map today.
I'm only shown online in the league I'm playing in (I've configured it using the access URL) and it works fine for poe.trade, BUT currency.poe.trade is not respecting that.

I was receiving whisper from ppl trying to buy some scarabs listed in Betrayal SC when I was in Standard.

It happened after some minutes of a fresh login in the game after +10 hours from the last login.

Last login (+10 hours ago) and the fresh one were in std. Also, the configuration to "I'm only shown online in the league I'm playing in" was made yesterday.

Do not hesitate to ask for more info or tests if needed.

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IGN: @Copied_to_clipboard
Can we please get a way to save searches? The link seems to invalidate after a while and some searches take a while to set up, its annoying to loose them all the time.

Less important but can we also please get a export to pob link?
xyz wrote:
It is currently not possible to search for craftable affixes or number of open prefixes/suffixes.


Q: My items aren't showing
  • Make sure you are searching with "Online only: Off" and "Seller" set to your account name (not your character name)
  • If you are listing items on forums, make sure your profile is not set to private, and you have at least 1 character level 30 or higher.
  • If you are listing items on forums, try bumping your forum thread.
  • Try sending a PM with any contents to @poexyzis account on forums to force a reindex of your profile.
  • It might take up to 5 minutes to index your forum thread after any changes.

Q: My items are showing but they shouldn't be / I just deleted my forum thread and it's still showing up
  • You have to bump your forum thread for poe.trade to see it, by posting any message to it.
  • You can also search for your items on poe.trade and click "Verify" under them, it should show as "Sold" and disappear from search in a few minutes.

Q: I'm not shown as online
  • You will be shown as online if you are using public stash tabs ($$$)
  • If you don't have premium stash tabs, you can use Acquisition to set your status as online. Watch this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeqU9jkWRy0

Q: My search is returning items it shouldn't
  • If you are using a Count filter group, make sure every mod is listed once. Listing same mod multiple times would cause it to get counted multiple times.

Q: My IGN should be gold but it's not.
  • Make sure your profile is not private.
  • PM @poexyzis and your profile will get refreshed in a few minutes.

Q: I'm only shown online in the league I'm playing in, but I'd rather be shown online everywhere.
  • You can control this setting through your control.poe.trade link, PM @poexyzis to receive your access URL.

I would like to denature this player by offering an item and not responding to the offer, it is spamming.
[ deleted ]
Last edited by KickMind#7094 on Feb 28, 2019, 2:44:21 AM
Over the past month or so I keep having my custom listings disappear. I'll use the ~b/o X/XX orb-of-currency-whatever the exact same as I have been using for many months and it'll just randomly disappear from time to time. Sometimes I'll delete the item, relist it in my stash tab and it'll show up again but the next day it's gone again. I haven't figured it out but it's been going on a while now and it's really ruining trade for me. Is this on poe.trade or is GGG fucking with the community site to lure people to use their own graphic infested trade portal?
Too many scammers, sadly. All these "trade_with_me_alw_rpl" are killing that useful - back in a day - site.

You better ban ppl who scam (or make this available as an option) or that trade market will be useless.
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.
Az always, new league and Acquisition doesn't work.

I mean... it works. It fire up, its just don't update any tab. I even put again session id. IT does update my topic with 'empty', but checked tabs are not refreshed even if I do manually. And because of that, I can't list my items at poe.trade, since Acquisition doesn't see my items. Its like I got nothing in any of the tabs (checked or not checked).

xyz, can you see whats wrong with the app and release an update, please?
Last edited by drunkydragon#5464 on Mar 8, 2019, 4:08:27 PM
currency trading broken again?
can't list stuff like for example bo 1/2 chaos for other orbs
Acquisition doesn't even see items in any of the tabs (checked or not checed). I even tried coouple of times to refresh 'all' or only 'checked ones', but nothing. Like nothing exist there. It only see items which are currently on my char.


I just noticed one strange thing. Now Acquisition suddenly shows only first 2 tabs. But not all the items in these first too. It only shows items that I put about ~90 min ago. (other tabs are not 'crawled').

I guess it has to do with some time zones or something. It updates the items from the past not in the 'present'.

Something is wrong for sure.
Last edited by drunkydragon#5464 on Mar 8, 2019, 5:14:12 PM

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