PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

the currency tag "vaal-temple-map" registers as "vaal." So when I set the note "~price 1/12 vaal-temple-map" it shows up on currency.poe.trade that im selling 12 chaos for 1 vaal. My apologies if this has been reported prior. Thanks in advance.

Please update poe.trade for new races.
thank you i see
Any chance of getting map mods added to the search modifiers?
i.e. I never want to run maps with "Player cannot regenerate life, mana, or energy shield"
Massive "That character is not online" 2 Week Turmoil (JRE094)

Can't buy anything, poe.trade shows them online, but they don't.
An update on the online functionality. The ladder parsing has been removed now (and was deprecated for a while). Check out http://poe.trade/html/online.html for a description on how to be online.
Ok poe treade needs to be fixed, i have no idea how this would be done but something needs to be changed. I pm'ed over 200 people on several items today trying to buy them and not a single response. This is complete and utter BS. Why would people post stuff if they werent willing to sell? Now i know there is time sensitive content in this game sometimes a bathrrom break is necessary but (and this is not an exaderation) haveing to message over 50 people just to buy one item is pathetic. http://imgur.com/a/vzLUP My ENTIRE chat is filled with this crap
im looking to contact you to possibly advertise on your site, i noticed advertising space at the top, respond here or email me at [Removed by Support] thank you.
Last edited by Rebekah_GGG#0000 on Apr 15, 2019, 5:28:42 PM
Natsuyu wrote:
Is there any chance of unique maps being added to currency.poe.trade for buy/sell orders? That would be really nice to have!

I would love to see that.
Buying those in bulk is a chore.
Yeah, i'd love it aswell. It really shouldn't be too hard to set it up.

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