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dont working after post for me.......

since this night i cant be online .....

can you have a look ?

i use acquisition, xyz can have a look on my account.?.

Same probleb. Dont be online..Use Asquicition.
Dont refresh automaticaly. Need push manually on control link.
maybe my acq start working after this post Kappa
Same problem as yesterday, showing offline again using premium stash tabs.
This is pathetic...
bonzaidu64 wrote:

since this night i cant be online .....

can you have a look ?

i use acquisition, xyz can have a look on my account.?.

Have you read any of the last 2 pages of this thread? First the API was broken, then Poe.trade got DDoS'ed to shit. Everything *should* be up and running now.

NO,not running now....
Acquisition online status should be working again, sorry about that.
After poe trade is back up again,poe trade macro doesnt work anymore,i heard it's beacuse of adding ddos protection beacuse of yesterday attack,is there any way to fix this,for example adding trade macro to exception list or something?
G0rr wrote:
I guess someone is trying to brute force trading changes, or something like that.

It scares me a bit that such a small group of people can influence whole PoE player base so heavily.

The trade website is hosted on cloudflare which does have DDOS protection integrated into their service, a "small group" of people could just as easily DDOS GGG themselves and bring the entire game down with the same methods.

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