PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

Announcement: poe.trade will not show your items anymore if your maximum character level is below 30 or if your profile is private.

This does not apply to people listing items via premium stash tabs.
xyz wrote:
Announcement: poe.trade will not show your items anymore if your maximum character level is below 30 or if your profile is private.

This does not apply to people listing items via premium stash tabs.

very nice against those guys manipulating prices with many accounts..

thank you for your work
Sorry if this has already been reported. it is impossible to check the whole topic.
"Mods" can not find/do not offer explicit "Knockback direction is reversed" (Unique Empire's Grasp Goliath Gauntlets).
Не так страшен мир, как его обитатели.
srsly need an anti afker or Rating system for active traders so ppl can skip the damn derps who are afking

traders need to have a say... as in people tryen to buy.. sellers like me ... sick of afkers.. they messing with prices...so lame..... if im online im tradeing.. not afking coz oh my potato's are boiling /afk....... pffft...
plz add this...or some thing....so ppl can see the afkers.
Hello, I didn't know where else I could post this so here I am.

The filter mod "Immune to Poison during Flask Effect Removes Poison on use" for flasks doesn't exist.

Did I miss it somehow ?
xyz wrote:

Hyflex wrote:
How do I buy armor scraps?

I've tried listing like:

-b/o 100/25 armourer's
-b/o 100/25 armourer
-b/o 100/25 armour
-b/o 100/25 scraps
-b/o 100/25 scrap

But I can't work out what ones correct.

Please check out http://currency.poe.trade/tags

I tried them... they don't work :/ I'm not appearing in the list for armourer's scraps or transmutation
Your items are not showing because your profile is set to private. You need to disable "Set profile as private" in your account privacy settings.

After you've done that, send a PM to the poexyzis account.

(This error does not affect items posted via public stash tabs).

I got this error message today, it's still work yesterday and I didn't set my profile as private. How can I fix this?
"Mods" can not find/do not offer explicit "Can have up to 1 additional Totem summoned at a time" (Unique Soul Mantle and Tukohama's Fortress).
Не так страшен мир, как его обитатели.
Any way to search by exact words? Was trying to look up prices for 'The Wolf' Divination Card but kept getting 'The Wolf's Shadow' instead.

Was able to work around it by putting a minimum of 5 Chaos in the Misc section to see them. Haven't encountered many instances of this, but would be great to know if there's a way to search an item by its exact name.

Hi, I cant search for specific ranges of the following mods on the unique Surgebinders:

x% increased Elemental Damage per Frenzy Charge
x% increased Physical Damage per Endurance Charge
x% increased Spell Damage per Power Charge
x% reduced Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration

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