PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

TheSunTzu wrote:
I have a question about live search. Why is Like, real fast option doesn't work and item never

appear when match criteria and any other option are gone only has 3 option which is 60s and 90s.

And I tested Like, real fast and 60s option result is item never appear in Like, real fast option but in

60s it does. Is it broken now and everyone has this problem or only me.

what's your web browser? does it say "connected!"?
Hi, first of all thanks for all the great work! PoE is a better place because of you.

With that out of the way, I was wondering if it would be possible to add the search option "has enchantment" or something like that. Thus making it possible to for example search for ilvl 84 hubris circlet with enchantments, instead of having to search for every single enchantment available.

I have no idea if it's hard to implement or not, just got the idea - and thought I'd share it.

Have a nice day. :)

If it's already there I appologise and hope someone will explain to me how to do it <3
The affix "Maximum number of spectres" (+#)
is missing from the Mods list.

It cannot roll on rares - but is an important feature of several uniques that folks may want to search for.

(# of zombies and # of skeletons is there)
Hellpo! Somebody help me with this


I cant use site to sell anything, at all! Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!
xyz wrote:
TheSunTzu wrote:
I have a question about live search. Why is Like, real fast option doesn't work and item never

appear when match criteria and any other option are gone only has 3 option which is 60s and 90s.

And I tested Like, real fast and 60s option result is item never appear in Like, real fast option but in

60s it does. Is it broken now and everyone has this problem or only me.

what's your web browser? does it say "connected!"?

I use chrome and it's say connected. Is chrome bad? should I change browser?
Is the API lagging behind again?
My items doesnt show.
Flies wrote:
Is the API lagging behind again?
My items doesnt show.

same situation
Hi, when you can add Blight skill buff on filter?
Blade flurry have, scorchin ray have, Blight not.
More then 1 day since i did setup procurement and my shop online and still wont items shop up. Is this common now again?
Would it be possible to add an additional reset button at the top of the search form, so that when you hit the button to show search form, you can reset it quicker without having to scroll down to the reset button? So you'd have two buttons to reset, one at the top of the form and one at the bottom.

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