PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

From a friend:

I use acquisition there is no problem and my status is online. But when I use my Url to go online manually, this appear :
Hello, Brets87. You should definitely use Acquisition for tracking your online status. Once logged in, activate online tracking by going to "Auto online" and setting up your "control.poe.trade online URL", don't forget to check "Automatically refresh online status" as well. You are not online. Or maybe you are. Who knows. You cannot be online. Make sure your profile on Path of Exile website is not set to private. Once you've changed your profile to be public, send another PM to the poexyzis account.
My profil isn't set to private. I've tried a lot of things and yet nothing works. Please Help Me

I helped him and we tried everything that we could find on google
Online in acquisition
IGN not displaying on sale
not showing as online on poetrade

on my online URL i get:

Hello, Brets87.
You should definitely use Acquisition for tracking your online status.
Once logged in, activate online tracking by going to "Auto online" and setting up your "control.poe.trade online URL", don't forget to check "Automatically refresh online status" as well.
You are not online. Or maybe you are. Who knows.
You cannot be online. Make sure your profile on Path of Exile website is not set to private.
Once you've changed your profile to be public, send another PM to the poexyzis account.

Please help me I tried everything I could find on google and nothing is working.

My profile is PUBLIC!! I asked bot for a code at least 10 times and it's always the same code thats not working
Can someone guide me how to post shaper sets onto the currency section of poe.trade? I made a public tab and tried all the different pricing options with 1 set in it and it wouldn't show on the currency search
DoctaLinker wrote:
poe.trade is not showing me as online since this afternoon. First time this happens. I'm using public stash tabs. Everything is fine. It just doesn't show me.

When I use the poe.xyz URL and manually set me as online, it does, though.

Can't use the auto-online tool because it's not updated.

What do I do? Help me. :(

Same problem
poe.trade is showing me online even when I have been offline for about an hour. It is also showing old prices and old inventory from my public, premium stash tab.

I've tried renaming my public/premium stash tab and moving items around, but nothing changes on poe.trade.

It's like poe.trade took a snapshot of my online status and stash tab inventory from earlier today and has not updated since then.

Any suggestions?
^^ Looks like this is happening to everyone
please provide more information such as your league and names of items that should or should not be indexed

Thanks for the great tool, but I would like to make a feature request!

Please, allow to search for items without full page reload, it is really painful with my type of internet access.

i use premuim tabs for sell and today i have some bugs:

1. poe.trade not show my new items - what i add today.
2. poe.trade still show my old items - what sold already.
3. not work "Auto online" status.

Standart legue.
Same problems as @NewbieAlex described.

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