PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

Some of my orb's are not showing on the poe trade. Orb's In puplick normal tab is showing. but not the ones in puplic currency tab

Edit: Working again.
Last edited by Mindsplit123#0624 on Oct 7, 2016, 5:03:58 PM
Angelo1 wrote:
JasderoFox wrote:
Hello guys. I start to use "Acquisition" for sale items on poe.trade and work on 50%. My actions:
1. Sent the message on "poexyzis";
2. He gave me the link (http://control.poe.trade/***********);
3. I copied it and paste full link in Acquisition (tab Auto online - control.poe.trade URL) and put the check on the "Automatically refresh online status";

Full link: http://imgur.com/ChzBTfz

I see my items on poe.trade, yes, BUT, i no have "online" status, only "offline" AND i no have my nickname (IGN). Item have, price have, but no have IGN and "online" status.

Tried "Procurement", but with him my items on poe.trade does not appear, do not know why. Although items on the forum added. So i to start use Acquisition.
What did I do wrong? Premium stash no have. Please help me! -_-

Screenshot with Acquisition, in the lower right corner shows that the status of the program online

Full screen: http://imgur.com/8drzFiZ

Control.poe.trade work:

Full screen: http://imgur.com/zd0mR9T

But .... :<

Poe.Trade with my item, status offline and without my IGN

Full screen: http://imgur.com/WzZYp9q

I have same problame, how can i fixet it?

I change http://control.poe.trade/blablabla to http://control.poe.xyz.is/blahblah but it havent worked yet :(

Same boat here :´(
Please put "each" when listing multiple items (essences, cards etc) because I find more than a few people expecting to buy (eg) 9 whispering essences for 4 alt.

I realise that the list is sorted by price, so even a moment's thought would suggest that seeing "9 Whispering Greed, 4 alt" just below "1 Whispering Woe, 4 alt"... that has to be the price for one. But that's not how it works for people doing this for the first time, leading to unhappy (non) buyers. It's a waste of time for both sides, and gets tedious after a while. Admittedly I have had a bad run, four in an hour, but it is annoying even one or two a day.

Admittedly this does also show just how useful poe.trade is... enough people use it that I can make reasonable currency just listing random stuff I pick up, on poe.trade. So thanks for the tool!

could u change the font color (marked here) to something readable? like in the black layout here

Can't the currency conversion rates be automatically updated with some form of median from the currency trading section? They appear to way behind the market prices, which leads to unfair ordering in the search results, i.e. 375 chaos appearing above 5.5 exalts, which would only be true if exalts were worth more than 68 chaos.
Hi, mine currency market is not displayed. Shop at EHC. (Works well before i registred new acc, but on site im logged right) How to fix this? With items all must be ok
will it ever be possible to search maps by affixes? It would help tremendously in filtering mods you can't run for corrupted maps and such.
This may be fixed shortly but for roughly an hour a bunch of online currency listers, myself included are now shown as offline and there are only 1 or 2 still "online" for Hardcore Essence.
NathanielAI wrote:
This may be fixed shortly but for roughly an hour a bunch of online currency listers, myself included are now shown as offline and there are only 1 or 2 still "online" for Hardcore Essence.

Same problem in standard.
same on essence ;/
IGN: CyganuHipsterDischarge

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