PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

New Player.
Can anything be done to sellers who won't honor their listing ?
After contacting a seller on/off for 30 minutes. They go DND.
You ask them to honor listing.
You check item listing. Now the item is gone.
Thank you for the time and effort in making this site.
Sellers that do not honor listings should lose privileges.
I suggest a filter for "Time since listed."

As detailed here, when shopping the Standard league, any listing made since around the time a new league started (or earlier) is so utterly worthless that it might as well not be there, since it's literally just wasted page space.

With this feature, you'd be able to effectively de-list any items that you know the seller won't actually sell you, since they won't be doing it themselves.
Last edited by AdmiralAardvarke#2170 on Sep 21, 2016, 9:57:31 PM
What happened to Notes on items?
They don't seem to show. Have they been disabled or am I missing something?
Lacceh wrote:
What happened to Notes on items?
They don't seem to show. Have they been disabled or am I missing something?

Think they were disabled because of the pillocks who put items up at low price and then put a note saying that they wanted to buy at that price not sell or put low price so at appears at the top of the list and then a note with the real price.
Last edited by Randall#0850 on Sep 22, 2016, 11:43:04 AM
Hey, i found a bug with the fragment of the pheonix. If i use the api to list myself buying fragments like this: ~b/o 1/13 pheonix
i end up listed buying perandus coins instead of pheonix fragments.
My problame with Acquisition 0.5g this:

I installed the program on my computer, after this i logged in the program with my SessionID.

In the tabs (drop-down tab) i piped "Auto refresh checktab tabs".

In the shop tab i pasted my link last numbers (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740229) ergo 1740229! And i piped "Automatically update shop".

i wrorte a message to poexyzis and i received message (You are very welcome.)
I pasted my personal URL link (http://control.poe.trade/***) in the Auto online tab in the first option and piped on the "Automatically refresh online status".

The problame is begining now!:

The program posted to my forum post my whish list, and in the program i see in the bottom of the right side next to the "Event Log" Online when i logged in the poe game, and switch offline if i logged out for the game.
BUT!! If i would like search my selling items in the poe.trade i haven't seen on the web page my items while i am online :( and i haven't knew why i haven't seen it :(.

If i paste my personal URL link in the web browser i watch this line:
"Once logged in, activate online tracking by going to "Auto online" and setting up your "control.poe.trade online URL", don't forget to check "Automatically refresh online status" as well."
But i did this it!

So i haven't got idea why didn't work my auto online option ! :(

Someone know solution for my problame? (Answers plz paste too my shop line threat)
Last edited by Angelo1#5001 on Sep 23, 2016, 10:19:29 AM
Last edited by matask#3579 on Oct 1, 2019, 9:41:11 AM
Could you please add Cartographer's Sextants to the currency market.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
tyrot wrote:
Hey, i found a bug with the fragment of the pheonix. If i use the api to list myself buying fragments like this: ~b/o 1/13 pheonix
i end up listed buying perandus coins instead of pheonix fragments.

+1 Same Issue.
Currency price's not updating. Been online +30min and price's wont show.

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