PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

There will be a fix once I manage to get a reply from GGG.
? Bug
? Your bug?
? POE bug?

I switched all of my standard tabs to private shortly after prophecy league start (Sunday morning?). I also sold a particular item (Carcass Jack) a while after. However people keep whispering me trying to buy things (including the Carcass Jack) and saying they are showing up on POE Trade (http://poe.trade/search/anohahikakitoo for the carcass jack for instance).

What can I do to make this stop, it's driving me crazy having to keep telling them to go away because I'm not interested in standard trade while I'm playing prophecy!

EDIT: And I'm not insane and there are other people having this bug, so nevermind!
Last edited by Dreyll#7532 on Jun 6, 2016, 3:58:24 PM
There seems to be a bug with parsing the new types added to the Currency Market for Prophecy.

I have the following 3 stacks of coins with prices in stash tab "$SC" (in Prophecy SC) with the tab marked as "Each Item Individually Priced":
Silver Coin x1 - Note: ~b/o 1/2 fuse
Silver Coin x1 - Note: ~b/o 1/330 exa
Silver Coin x1 - Note: ~b/o 10/70 chaos

If I search via the main poe.trade site I can see the "~b/o 1/330 exa" stack listed. If I search via the Currency Market I see none of the three listed.

Possibly related: I see no instances of people selling Yrien's Key via Currency Market, but quite a few listings via the main poe.trade search.

If this is something that can be fixed I'd be extremely grateful; currently unable to find a way to sell silver coins to people. :<
Last edited by Nuro#1041 on Jun 6, 2016, 6:33:06 PM
I've fixed that bug, your currency should appear after a reindex.
I'm on Chrome an have the problem that the search engine lags quite a lot when I search for mods.

Is it a known problem? Is there a fix for it? Thanks in advance.
xyz wrote:
I've fixed that bug, your currency should appear after a reindex.

Thanks! I super appreciate it! <3

Do you have a way I can buy you a beer/coffee? :P
try to enter and is down...

you know te bug, I´m here just to say thanks for this awesome app mate

Best luck!!!

And have good loot
Wise words buff -> balance <- nerf , need to happen , deal with it
I foten run into a trouble when I try to buy something. I wisp to a player only to be either ignored or told that they're on another league and cant be bothered to relog.

As a solution I'd like it to be implemented that if I search for items on std it only shows me items from peeps who currently play std league.
The GGG API we have right now doesn't provide this information.
The Ascetic Gold Amulet
and other uniques need to be added

Request - Reverse sorting. Clicking an affix sorts it from best to worse, would like an option to do the other way (maybe clicking it again flips it?)

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