PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

cant find items with the Jewel mod "(Global) #% additional Block Chance with Shields" can u add it to the index?
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
[/img][/img]Rarity: Unique
<<set:MS>><<set:M>><<set:S>>Lightning Coil
Desert Brigandine
Armour: 560 (augmented)
Evasion Rating: 560 (augmented)
Level: 60
Str: 96
Dex: 96
Sockets: R-R-R
Item Level: 73
Adds 1-23 Lightning Damage to Attacks
109% increased Armour and Evasion
+70 to maximum Life
-60% to Lightning Resistance
30% of Physical Damage taken as Lightning Damage
"There's nothing like imminent death
to galvanize one's purpose in life."
- Malachai the Soulless.
Auction house would be great :O
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on May 26, 2016, 7:08:52 PM
my flask:
Rarity: Magic
Surgeon's Topaz Flask of Heat
Lasts 4.00 Seconds
Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
Currently has 0 Charges
+6% to maximum Lightning Resistance (augmented)
+50% to Lightning Resistance (augmented)
Level: 18
Item Level: 65
20% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask effect
Removes Freeze and Chill on use
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Note: ~b/o 10 chaos

but poe.trade view:

Surgeon's Topaz Flask of Heat 7 hours ago
Level: 18 ilvl: 65
20% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
Quality Phys. Elem. APS DPS pDPS eDPS

Armour Evasion Shield Block Crit. Level

10× online IGN: artiksan Whisper

why is that?
Poe.trade does not show me as online anymore. When i am looking for my own items:


Now when i am looking for online only:


Best part is i do not have these items on trade anymore. I literally have no clue why it shows them online at all with outdated info, like if its stuck or something. I have turned all of my premium tabs to private but items are still shown on poe.trade. Been like this since the league merge.
Last edited by Teplokot#7294 on May 31, 2016, 4:27:11 AM
I am having similar issues also. I think the site is jacked up from data migration with the leagues merging. I am just gonna chill for a day or two and see if it gets ironed out. I was able to at least sell some currency, so its not a total loss. I appreciate tools like this, but the problem is when they are good like PoE.xyz is, players really depend on them. So it really sucks when it goes down. :)
I have the opposite issue. Stuff I've brought over from Perandus doesn't show up on POE Trade. Its in a Standard (aka not remove only) public tab, priced and everything. But nothing is showing up.
MogwaiOfEvil wrote:
I have the opposite issue. Stuff I've brought over from Perandus doesn't show up on POE Trade. Its in a Standard (aka not remove only) public tab, priced and everything. But nothing is showing up.

From all my listings I found only Mortal Hope are on currency.poe.trade, but not on poe.trade.
Last edited by zxfx#7114 on May 31, 2016, 6:07:30 AM
zxfx wrote:

For all my listings i found only Mortal Hope are on currency.poe.trade, but not on poe.trade.

Currency.poe.trade is working for me as well. It detects the actual contents of the tab.

Heyy, just saying that it seems like this is broken or something. Because, I've been trying to buy stuff for a few days. And when I put online only before searching and try to message those people it always says they're offline. But on the site it says online. Plus, I have it set so procurement will load my stuff to it. But, none of that is showing up either.

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