PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

erasera666 wrote:
xyz, can the display of Tier prefixes/affixes be optionable to users of poetrade? (can be switch on/off)

Make a user script with something like (after page load)
$('span.item-affix').attr('style', 'display:none;')
Hi Xyz, I need some help. I made a shop a few days ago, but my item won't show up on Poe Trade. Any Advice would be great.
Omega_k2 wrote:
erasera666 wrote:
xyz, can the display of Tier prefixes/affixes be optionable to users of poetrade? (can be switch on/off)

Make a user script with something like (after page load)
$('span.item-affix').attr('style', 'display:none;')

much thx, it's working. but when i click to any property, this tier shit appears again... what i need to add to that script to compleetly disable it?
upd: nvm, got it by myself :) if anyone need, create a userstyle (using stylish addon for example with code
@-moz-document domain(poe.trade) {
span.item-affix {display: none;}
span.affix-info-short {display: none;}
span.affix-info-full {display: none;}

btw,not thx to xyz for trying to troll.
Last edited by erasera666#1521 on Mar 25, 2016, 3:42:56 AM
PLS fix : increased Specral Throw Projectile Speed

there is a "T" missing in spectral ;( nobody can find my nice Rat's Nest i guess^^
IGN OneMonthHC: Twohundred
Why is my IGN not appearing on the currency shop? It just shows "???". Displays my account name but not any name in game. My account is not set to private so I have no idea whats causing it.
matress wrote:
Hi Xyz, I need some help. I made a shop a few days ago, but my item won't show up on Poe Trade. Any Advice would be great.

I'm having the same issue right now. My shop thread (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1629858/page/1#p13071641) was updated yesterday morning but poe trade still hasn't listed any of the changes. I'm still getting whispers about a gemcutter's prism I haven't had for 36 hours :(.
So.. I got IP banned again.. for updating 4 tabs with 5 sec interval with built in functionality I would assume.

Question is, if the functionality is there, why cant I use it, or you know.. where can I read about limits on it? Can I update more than one tab only every 30s? Why HFT mode is even there if that's the case?

All in all I'd like to see some clarification on "Best Deal searching practices" or something, or you know... some rules or something. I could not find any not on poe.trade or in OP.

While I could understand why that was relevant last time (that IP is still banned BTW) (like a year back, reloaded 4-5 tabs every 30s) since that would probably cause fairly high load, but this time I'm using built in functionality, and not even the most ridiculous mode of it. At least some guidance would be nice.

In case xyz reads this I'm the 79.137.xxx.xxx guy. That got it about 20min ago I would imagine. And I would really like to get a conversation going. I'm not a dick and dont want to be one, but I need to know how to use your site in a way that does not get you mad, or trip high load alarms or something. Plus perma bans are not a nice way to deal with this issue... considering there is no notice at all.
Last edited by Hotcooler#5777 on Mar 25, 2016, 1:27:46 PM
You didn't get banned, one server from the load balancing pool fell apart. Bugs happen sometimes.
When you open it from ipad without adblock i see trash of ads which cannot be close.
Please fix this shit adding [x].

/1625088 - my Perandus shop
/746510 - PoE tiny service
/901183 - new contract system (Support it!!)
/1183686 - My map is MAD!
/1145686 - my Gear /899106 - my Shop

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