PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

xyz wrote:
pasta777 wrote:

Hi. I have the Problem, that one of my items isn't shown on PoE Trade while all others are. The Item is an unidentified "Taste of Hate Sapphire Flask". I have also an identified Taste of Hate, which is correctly shown.

Here is a link to my shop in the talisman league:
The Taste of Hate is within the 4.9ex spoiler.

And here is the Link to a search result, where my Taste of Hate is missing:

I tried another approach. I scanned my shop for unidentified items. Here is the poe.trade result:
It returned only one unidentified gem, but not the Taste of Hate.

What I have done so far to solve this is issue:
- Removed my shop completey and rebuilt it with acquisition
- Bumped my thread
- Made an alternative thread which contained only the UNID Taste of Hate
- I gave the Flask to a friend. He had the same problem: Item appeared in forum but couldnt bee seen on poe.trade
- I tried a second unid Taste of Hate
All of those points weren't successful.

Is there anything I can do about it? Is there something wrong with the item itself? What can I do to make the item visible on poe.trade?

Thx in advance and thx for this great trading site.

EDIT: After 2 days of waiting it finally appears. Thx

It's fixed now.

I notice this is the same as my problem, but it's not fixed for me?
Searching on HC talisman for any monkey twins base comes up with 0 results. plenty on sc talisman though. If I search for the radius increase implicit I get only tier 4 amulets that have it rolled but still 0 monkey twins talismans.

Is this a bug? or are there 0 for sale on hc talisman?
false alarm
Last edited by RudeLion#6754 on Feb 4, 2016, 6:33:19 AM
With my issue or something else? I'm still having issues and other people I've asked can't load any results on HC talisman using the first three dropdown boxes or searching for the increased radius implicit(only getting greatwolf talismans and not monkey twins).
moobah wrote:
With my issue or something else? I'm still having issues and other people I've asked can't load any results on HC talisman using the first three dropdown boxes or searching for the increased radius implicit(only getting greatwolf talismans and not monkey twins).


"Monkey Twins Talisman is an item exclusive to the standard Talisman league."
derp. thanks.
The total [Element] Spell Damage pseudo mods don't seem to be working, at least when searching for Talismans. Conversely, [Element] Damage with Weapons works perfectly.

Also, could we have a Chaos Spell Damage pseudo mod please?


i have a "?"

Why new Item don't see in poe.trade yet ?

Name: Demigod's Dominance Golden Mantle

Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693
Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz
Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1
Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T]
I started having problems with the website 3 days ago. The most annoying one is that when i click "Add mod" it doesn't add more mods but instead it just scrolls me back to the top of the page.

Console output after clicking the button gives me :

TypeError: x.find(...).chosen is not a function packed.js:1054:133

Which is this line:


function explicit_add_mod(o){var group=$(o).parents(".explicit-group");var x=$("#explicit-template").clone().removeAttr("id").show();x.find(".chosen-tpl").chosen(CHOSEN_PARAMS);x.appendTo(group.find(".explicit-mods"));}

After deleting ".chosen(CHOSEN_PARAMS)" and calling the function again it seems to work but it doesn't have the website skin.

My other problem, for which i havent found a workaround yet, is that i cannot seem to be able to select a base. It just doesn't let me select a base.

The problems are occuring on Firefox and Chrom but not on IE.

Feature Request:

1) Would like to be able to save default search settings (ie , b/o only , online only, corrupt, etc. , max buyout) This way when you click the reset button the user will not have to fill out these settings every time.

2) It would be nice to be able to let the community flag users who are abusing the system ( example .. posting stashes w/ low prices only to send out RMT spam when someone replies)

3) Does the api allow for any way to detect afk players. Late night PST often has 50% or better afk rate
-Michelle (G1rlPow3r)

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