PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

Lteegtimtobfuuesr wrote:
plz ban this pos website

xyz wrote:
Lteegtimtobfuuesr wrote:
plz ban this pos website

plz kill yourself

I can't force you to be decent, but please consider making requests that are less disturbing. Also, if you can manage it, please refrain from using 'plz' as a word.

But really? You need to tell a poster to kill themselves? If I was a mod you'd get muted. Good thing I am not a mod, right? =)
Laellu wrote:
I can't force you to be decent, but please consider making requests that are less disturbing. Also, if you can manage it, please refrain from using 'plz' as a word.

But really? You need to tell a poster to kill themselves? If I was a mod you'd get muted. Good thing I am not a mod, right? =)

I was merely trying to speak in his language. Sorry if that message disturbed you.
Laellu wrote:
xyz wrote:
Lteegtimtobfuuesr wrote:
plz ban this pos website

plz kill yourself

I can't force you to be decent, but please consider making requests that are less disturbing. Also, if you can manage it, please refrain from using 'plz' as a word.

But really? You need to tell a poster to kill themselves? If I was a mod you'd get muted. Good thing I am not a mod, right? =)

The fact you would mute for that is a possible reason why you'll never become a mod.
Namenemas wrote:

The fact you would mute for that is a possible reason why you'll never become a mod.

A good mod would have outright banned the user for a week instead, including in-game.

Telling anyone to "go please kill yourself" is one of the most insensitive thing to say to anyone, including one to "wish you die from cancer" and others very (not really) intelligent remarks on a forum and in-game.
Last edited by RamzaBehoulve#2076 on Mar 6, 2013, 12:18:01 PM
oversensitive person detected... :D like "kill yourself" is a real suicide request.... You cant take every curse word literally. 1 week ban for trolling a troll... xD

back to topic:

Thanks for your great work. It really makes POE so much more playable for me ;)
IGN: Emwega
Last edited by otacon87#2282 on Mar 6, 2013, 2:19:19 PM
Lteegtimtobfuuesr wrote:
plz ban this pos website

Kinda ironical to hear something like that from a person who "Bought a lot of exalteds on ebay ^^". You should learn to think before posting.

This tool is not harmful and ceases many stressful hours of searching for items manually in the trading forums. It is not an Auction House and supports multiplayer interaction in a faster manner after all.

Well, maybe I should also learn to think before posting,
when I respond to an obvious troll. (hopefully he is just a troll)


On topic:

Bump again for this great tool!
Thank you for your dedication, xyz!
Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Mar 7, 2013, 7:10:22 AM
xyz, by the far the most helpful tool in my POE arsenal. Makes hunting for the items you need SO much easier and less time consuming. Thanks.
Guild Leader - LÉGÄCY

POE is happy good luck fun time for great imperialistic leaders!
Need a real auction house per region :\

The indexer is super nice, but still not as practical as an in-game AH or at the very least an auction board with online status, then you contact the seller the same way we do here.

Between the almost non-sensical economy system and the lack of proper ways to trade online in the game, I'm the only one out of 7 people who is still playing :\
Last edited by RamzaBehoulve#2076 on Mar 7, 2013, 11:03:42 AM
Many thanks for this, makes life so much easier and really like the black theme as well.

Showed this to a couple of friends and all agree it's wonderful, all though one did complain he will probably spend more time there than playing ;-)

Edit. Quick thought would it be possible to include a date listed or something like that as a column to aid searching for recent items.
Last edited by Jaknet#1426 on Mar 7, 2013, 3:40:41 PM

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