PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

Why is this not stickied?

Someone with the power to sticky, sticky this thread. Seriously.

They should just make a Forum section for tools regarding PoE.
orzewoi wrote:
Idk, did someone already mention it, but when I'm trying to search for boots with movement speed bonus, I always get 0 results.

Works for me.
this is awesome, keep up the good work man, will be good if you can show the post create date as well. =)
Great tool.

Please add cookie with last searched league hc/default.
Please change select to listbox (I mean <select size="10">).
Is it possible to declare a b/o in our shop posts that you read in?
» Performance is drastically increased
» "Base name" filter
» Some minor additions/fixes

Please, report bugs (if any).
Last edited by xyz#2951 on Feb 21, 2013, 2:44:22 PM
Nevermind, realized what I wasn't doing.
Last edited by hext#3456 on Feb 22, 2013, 12:37:07 AM
new search is awesome, but it should also match on several words, like if i type in "maximum life" it hits nothing
evolite wrote:
new search is awesome, but it should also match on several words, like if i type in "maximum life" it hits nothing

It should work now.
destrock wrote:
yeah if we could find the affix we want simply by writing it it would be a lot easier. I mean If I write the letter "R", only the affixes starting with the letter R appear, then ar (rar) I would find rarity very easily.

It works right this way!

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