If you think something is not working:
Check your search parameters one time again. Make sure you're not searching for invalid combination of implicit/explicit mods. Make sure you're not confusing "level" in requirements with map/gem level.
No, it's impossible to make "back" button save your explicit mods. Don't use it. There's "show search form" button at the top, use this one instead.
I thought that looking for the item you need through ~7k pages of threads is way too boring/time-consuming. Hence I wrote a simple yet useful web application which does that for you. Welcome and enjoy
Please, note:
» This thing is not done.
» I'm not responsible for any offers listed there.
» Listings are updated from time to time. Your desired item may already be sold.
Q: My items aren't showing.
A: Either bump your topic or wait for it (about a day or more). Make sure to bump your topic every time you edit it if you want the updates to be reindexed [almost] instantly.
Q: How to add my items/my shop to the indexer?
A: Just post your thread on forums (Selling/Shops sections) and that's it. Be aware that it may take up to 20 minutes to index your thread. Also it only shows items from the first post.
Q: Indexer doesn't show me online, even after long time.
A: Make sure your character appears in ladder.
Q: Gear from my shop doesn't show up on indexer.
A: poe.xyz.is only indexes first post of a thread, make sure items you want to sell are in the first post.
A: Reindexing items takes time. If you want it to be done much faster just bump your topic, after that gear will be indexed in 5-10 minutes.
A: poe.xyz.is filters duplicates so if you have multiple shops the same gear will only be shown once.
Q: I want poe.xyz.is to show a different IGN.
A: This is impossible. It doesn't matter what IGN it shows, people will be able to contact you anyway. All messages will be redirected by the game to the character you're playing.
YES THIS REALLY WORKS! If you've tested this and it doesn't work for you then you probably tried to message yourself, which is wrong and yes, in that case it won't work. But in all other cases it will work! Really!
Q: My IGN is not displaying.
A: Wait three days, if the problem persist report it here.
A: If your profile page is set to private IGN will not be shown.
Q: How do I online?
A: Read
Q: How to update my topic?
A: Either bump it on forums or find any item from your topic and press "verify". Note that update will not be instant either way, you'll have to wait for about 5 minutes.
Q: How do I set buyout prices?