[1.3] 85k DPS Glacial Hammer / 80k dps Ground Slam Build. Resolute Technique.
hello could i have your feedback on my current build?
I do have sometime a mana issue, fixed with my flask! I'm going full physical DMG, i didn't take any elemental dmg node. Should I? thanks for your time!
all +1 skill, thinking of switching to +40 life and +18% dmg or +8% speed on new level
all +1 skill, thinking of switching to +40 life and +18% dmg or +8% speed on new level
IGN: CharacterNameNotUsed Last edited by Spirch#4944 on Apr 19, 2015, 3:26:34 PM
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what would be best, attack speed node or melee damage node?
IGN: CharacterNameNotUsed
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" Speed better I think) my gear (8 endurance charges + double curse):
IGN: HardyHard_FireFly Big thx GGG for this great game :) Last edited by v1br0#7467 on Nov 7, 2014, 11:12:23 AM
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updated for 1.3
IGN: CharacterNameNotUsed
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Hi, I'm plenning on doing a very similar build and looking at your tree I'd do a couple of minor things differently, but that's not the point. I was wondering, isn't 145% life a bit too low for a 2h/build? Especially since the flat life rolls on your gear aren't exactly top tier. I also have couple of other remarks, so if you're open to some feedback, lemme know. ;)
[2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q
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" Go ahead with your feedback, that is why I posted my build :-) 145% might look low, i always had low % so I cannot really compare with high %. I like the "challenge" of having to be careful sometime! I can do many level 76 map without micro managing my potions. My armor(damage reduction) & life leech & CWDT 4L setup does help a lot. So far, I never did level 77/78 alone so I cannot say about these one. I do die sometime, mostly against modified map boss if I'm not careful. IGN: CharacterNameNotUsed Last edited by Spirch#4944 on Dec 13, 2014, 6:26:25 PM
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Ok, so here's a couple of things I spotted:
- Going South-East from Warrior's Blood towards the Duelist starting area, you take 1 x STR, 2 x DEX and 1 x INT nodes. Any specific reason behind this route? If you'd take the highway a bit more South you'd get 4 x STR nodes which means a bit more life and damage. That's a minor thing tho. - You spent in total 5 passives to get to Soul of Steel, which is some armor and basically 1 e-charge. You could take Vigor (+1 e-charge) and Juggernaut instead, you'd loose a lot of % armor, but I believe 10% more life is worth it. But again, it's a small rework and it's up to your preferences. - You're running both Heralds and leave some mana open for leech... personally I'd drop leech (which I'm gonna explain next), but instead of running 2 x Heralds you could easily run Hatred which is way more damage. - Leeching. You got yourself a very nice mace and I wouldn't change anything there, I'd advice those who're gonna follow this build to buy a 2h mace with an open prefix. As of 1.3 you can't master-craft the hybrid phys/accuracy prefix anymore, so I'd suggest to craft level 1 Blood Magic. This way you'd get 6 offensive links + you could run let's say Hatred - Determination (which is much more effective than increased armor nodes) and Herald of Ash. This is the tree I'd suggest: If you helped Oak in Merciless you'd get +1 e-charge, you can also corrupt an e-charge on a belt (my advice would be to buy an already corrupted Meginord's with +1 charge, saw one for 5c in Standard). So, you'd have 8 e-charges. 20/20 Immortal Call + 20/20 Increased Duration would give you a 13+ sec physical damage immunity. Also, a few more thing that come to mind: - Culling Strike, people generally hate it when someone without any MF culls in their party, I'd swap it for Increased AoE or Concentrated Effect. Or a combo of both, you could drop Added Fire and Culling Strike and replace them with 20/20 Increased AoE and 20/20 Concentrated Effect, you'd still get +12% incr. AoE and the damage boost would be huge. Example, my pre 1.3 DW Cleave was doing 32-33k dps... after Conc Effect? 52k. And that's basically it, sorry fot the long read. [2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q
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thanks :-)
I took that +20dex / +10int by habit and now i see that i should have took these 3 nodes in +str instead. this will cost me 8 regrets to fix but a +15 life / +6% dmg is worthed for the soul of steel, i wanted to get; +4 resist to all 4% physical damage reduction keep my armor high enough to get more than 50% damage reduction I could get the Juggernaut but at the same time i would need to find a node that give some resist to all, i would go under 75% resist to all by losing this one, i could get barbarism so i would add +20% life but doing these changes I would probably go under that 50% damage reduction, I'm going to think a while about this change before doing it for now I don't see a need to go after the endurance nodes but maybe with time i will need more time with my immortal call, i will keep this option open for future modification if needed. I mostly play alone so the culling strike (i know that from the tree i get it on stun...) is something i like for the +%dmg and +% attack speed. I took a look at the Concentrated effect / increased area of effect / hatred gems, instead of added fire/culling/herald. I would need to find new gear that would give me +int or use a +30 int node to be able to use the 20/20. I'm not sure if the % damage bonus from Concentrated effect / hatred would be higher than added fire/culling/herald. Concentrated effect: 69% dmg Hatred: 36% Culling: 23%dmg + 11% attack speed(this speed increase my dps a lot) Added Fire: +39% damage as fire and +17% increase fire dmg Herald of Ice: 15% increase cold dmg (good for my galcial hammer) Herald of Ash: +15% increase fire dmg and +15% as fire dmg (good for both glacial/ground) Add having fire damage help me against physical reflect monster Also, I got lucky to get my current gears(i made myself these two 6L with less than 250 fusing total), I'm far from rich but if I have the chance I will do try a lower level combo of concentrated / hatred that fit my current int to see how it does. IGN: CharacterNameNotUsed
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Well, I'll start with damage calculation, sice there's a huge gap in your calculations mechanics-wise. First of all more =/= increased, so Conc Effect gives you much much more damage than you'd think. And here's why.
Let's say you deal 1,000 damage per hit (not to confuse with DPS) before modifiers (but after Ground Slam penalty) with 1.5 aps. You have 300% incr. physical damage on your tree.
Your scenario:
1,000 x 323% from all physical increased modifiers (including Culling) = 4,230. 4,230 + 39% from Added Fire = 1,649 additional fire damage. 4,230 + 15% from Herald of Ash = 634 additional fire damage. (1,649 + 634) * 15% from Q20 Herald of Ash = 2,625. 62 (attack hit dmg from Herald of Ice) * 15% = 71. Total: 6,926 1.5 aps x 11% = 1.66 TOTAL DPS: 11,497. My scenario: 1,000 x 169/100 from Conc Effect (it's more, not increased) = 1,690. 1,690 x 300% from all physical increased modifiers = 6,760. 6,760 + 36% from Hatred = 2,433 additional cold damage. Total: 9,193 1.5 aps TOTAL DPS: 13,789. You'd say, it's only 2,300 dps, not that much. But imagine this, the more modifiers, the bigger the gap gets. Let's say we have have 5 attack per second (so you'd get like 5.2 with Culling), it's 36,015 dps on your side against 45,965 on mine. 10k dps difference. My point is, you deal 40k dps with a 6-link Groumd Slam and except little armor and some reduction from e-charges and that one node, you have no defenses. That's not really impressive, especially considering that there's non-crit budget specs out there that deal 10-15k dps more on a 5-link. With a 6-link 600 pdps mace you should be doing at least 60,000 dps. Resistances... you don't have a single unique, how come resistances are even a problem? [2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q
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For the resist issue, if you look at my gears, it's always single resist or dual resist, I don't have tri-resist gears and my body "suck" globally if you don't look at the 6L. So i rely on the tree for the resist gaps, until i can afford better gears.
I spent a few regret to change my tree, I wish i had done this after the reset to save myself some orb, gained 19% more life while losing 48% armor(went from 53% damage reduction to 45%) and also that change added between 1500-2000dps to my attacks without herald. I'm not really familiar with the math behind DPS in PoE yet so I got myself a concentrated effect level 1 to see how it would look like and you are right and now I have a dilemma. It jump to over 53k dps(by removing the culling strike), this is a huge difference. Now I need to figure out if I want to invest a few exalt to get myself 3 20/20 orbs (selling the culling strike would pay for these otherwise i would not be able to get any) Concentrated Effect / Increase AoE / Hatred Hopping that if I do this, i wont jump into major mana issue. IGN: CharacterNameNotUsed
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