[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" The Lazy Pally is the only one I play currently as it is my favorite and I don't have a lot of time to log into the game. I think I spend more time on this guide. I'm at a place with it where I can pretty much take down any high map boss in a few seconds with any mods, which is pretty good for the 10 ex price of the Lazy Pally. However to answer your question, I do have recent experience with Caustic Arrow Trapper (level 90+) that cost me around 100 ex at the time to build as this was before PE became flavor of the month. It was very powerful but the boss slaying was a tad slow and it relied almost totally on player skill for defense (mobility). The trash monster clearing speed was second to none. I've also had some experience with Summon Raging Spirits and generic (zombies) summoners at levels over 90. This was quite powerful also particularly the SRS. Not cheap either but the staff is probably cheaper now by a lot. Also I have played Cast on Crit (Spectral Throw arctic breath) over level 80. One shot all the time to reflect/thorns but freezing everything was nice, was popular in parties. Also standard melee ideas like Wings of Entropy and 2-hand tank. Over level 90. Fine in groups but not outstanding. I'm not prepared to provide skill trees or guides for any of these but they are out there. One guide is enough for me. |
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Nope, no further guides requested, this is the only one needed!
I was just curious what else you've messed around with if anything, so thanks for the insight. I'm in the same boat as you - this build is the only one I play with the intent to min/max and keep, and for the same reasons you mentioned. The MF build is solely for the purpose of funding this character through Dried Lake farming and assisting in feeding my map pool. "Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
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Hello. Im currently level 82 in Hardcore Talisman with this character. I invested my whole currency in this build, im kinda a new player btw. May I ask if you have any suggestions on upgrading my gear/gems? I thought about using Immortal Call, because with bringer of the rain I get free endurance charges. Not sure if its usefull eneugh to switch out something else (maybe use bloodrage with selfcast). Thanks a lot anyways, cool guide, very informative :) Last edited by Jokix10#4348 on Jan 31, 2016, 6:00:28 AM
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" Hi Jokix, Good job getting that gear together in hardcore. The belt could be a rustic sash base perhaps and the elemental damage roll is easy to get over 20 with Tora. Strength and/or armour is useful here as well. It may be a little bit early for a Romira's unless you are taking the damage nodes before the defense nodes. Usually you would use a good rare here until level 86 at least when it makes sense to remove RT. Not a big deal though. PS I don't think Immortal Call would make any difference. The odds that it would be up when a big physical hit comes are just about nil. Just focus on keeping Fortify up. A granite flask if you are concerned. Also focus on manually evading any boss special abilities like smash/slam/explosion type stuff. Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Jan 31, 2016, 12:48:44 PM
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Now that the Hierophant Ascendancy class has been revealed I have to say it's not too interesting for us -- the node that generates charges is nice but that's about all there, not worth it. We will see what the third class is -- I'm sure it will be better than Hierophant.
However the Inquisitor is actually very good for us anyway, it would be a huge damage boost. While that damage boost would probably not be fully reflected on the tooltip, it would be huge. The Inevitable Judgement path and Instruments of Virtue path (or Augury of Penitence as a more defensive choice) would be the six points there. I'd probably have to tune the build to take some critical strike capability earlier so that it makes sense. Honestly the Pious Path is interesting as well as a defensive choice (225 extra life regenerated/sec) and perhaps offensive as well if the 30% increased damage happens often enough perhaps it would be as good as the critical strike nodes but I doubt it as those crit nodes are insane. Uncertain as it's only a 20% chance, but in any case, lots of good options on this tree. Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Feb 3, 2016, 1:06:29 PM
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New Reckless Defense jewel is going to be a great boost.
![]() 20% of Block Chance applied to Spells 2% additional Block Chance 10% additional Chance to receive a Critical Strike "Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
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" It's not all good but interesting option. TY for mentioning it. |
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" Can't wait to try 4 of them, the drawback doesn't really look that bad. |
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Sovy, quick question. How does Your build deals with ele/phy reflection? Do You skip those maps?
Re-edit. Could You upload new videos featuring this build please? Last edited by Mynio#5792 on Feb 4, 2016, 11:48:30 AM
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Hello, I'm doing this build and I've hit a road block
I pretty much have the same items as you but I bought a Belly Of the Beast armor with 6S and 5L. Four of the sockets that are linked are RED and the other one is green. I must have spent over 250 Chromatic Orbs trying to make all the 5 sockets that are linked into Red sockets with no luck So until I can get some more chromatic orbs to give it another go, I have to stick with the 4Red and 1Green linked armor. What gems would you use? I put faster attack, weapon elemental, Static Strike, added fire damage, and Melee Physical Is that good or should I do the Added Cold dmg, weapon element, static strike, multistrike and melee physical damage? |
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