[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Vilnior wrote:

My Favorite curse is WARLORD mark, for the second one i think ASSASSIN mark for 3 power charges

and i quite resolute technique what do you think of this option ?

As assassin's mark does not work as well on bosses I would suggest elemental weakness (assuming static strike) for offense or enfeeble for defense.

I probably wouldn't use that ring though.

Romira's plus a good rare ring instead assuming you are going for some crit now (removing RT of course).

Try it out. :)
Greetings exiles.

I would like to get some tips and suggestions about what I should do. I like to play 'semi self-found' (only buy the must-need items) and this build is perfect for it. I also feel it's one of the best beginner builds out there.

I'm now level 88 and I do start to get abit bored... Maps are not a problem but I do feel my damage is pretty bad. I have a problem in killing ghosts and I'm not even close to be able to do the "kill totems" Eleron in tier 7+ maps.

I play with cyclone while also leveling reave and static strike. I got pretty sad about how boring I feel static strike is to play with, cyclone feels (and looks in Sovyns videos) much stronger/faster to use, also more safe. But I'm pretty sure it have a lot to do with my weapon.

My char is very budget. I only bought the Belly for 1.2ex, managed to 5link it with 5 fuse and the Lioneye's for 2c. I was lucky to find the anvil (+Vaal spell block) and a Callinellus Malleus which I still use.

I have managed to build a bank with 6 exalts (+more to sell) with this char now @HC Talisman and now I'm not sure what to do. I have been pretty hyped about buying a Doryani's Catalyst for a long time until I realized that it's maybe not so good for Cyclone, maybe I should buy a claw and try reave for real with a good weapon. But I'm sure my love for Cyclone is way too big ^^.

I do feel like my "semi self-found" journey now has come to an end.

So, my real question is: A 300 pDPS weapon is priced 2 exalt+. Will this boost my damage enough to not have problems with ghosts and Eleron? I have no idea how much it will help. Callinellus Malleus have 250 pDPS but is priced only 1C~, so a 2exalt weapon MUST be A LOT better? But maybe I'm better of building a new character with the bank I have (coc blade vortex cyclone looks amazing ^^)?

I really love this build/char but I don't know if I will be pleased if I spend all the currency to make it stronger. I would like some tips from experienced players about this issue.

My Cyclone with auras: 10 786DPS
Sovyn's Cyclone: 24 479DPS but with fully charges and flasks (is he using a Doryani's here?)

Will a 2exalt+ weapon (+50~ pDPS) get me to 15k+? or is it only with crit + charges + flasks?

My char: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Saafen/characters

Thank you for your help and thank you Sovyn for this guide.
Ok bro, I have another question.

Please dont misunderstand me, I'm still new in the game.

I see in your gear (page 1) that in your mace you have "Faster attacks" and "Blood magic" linked with "Shield charge".
Since these gems are support gems, shouldn't you have put them in the main attack skill? (Static strike).
Do I miss any sinergy here? (between weapon and attack skill?)

Thanks again in advance!
Saafen wrote:
So, my real question is: A 300 pDPS weapon is priced 2 exalt+. Will this boost my damage enough to not have problems with ghosts and Eleron?

Hi Saafen,

Congrats on getting so far mostly self-found. I did that into my mid 80s as well.

I have around 58K cyclone tooltip DPS with this setup I've been experimenting with:

I got the chest for 1ex already linked and the doryani's for around 1ex as well (get one over 300 pdps). The helmet is affordable. The hard part is getting enough resists on jewels and rings but it is doable.

Auras are purity of elements or purity of lightning plus hatred.

Unfortunately the 300 pdps weapon wil not be as good as doryani's. It would take almost a 400 pdps weapon to truely beat a good roll doryani's. There is no comparison in cost here as you know!

You are around the level where you should be getting crit nodes like Galvanic Hammer to really power up that doryani's.

If you don't want to go Abyssus and Coil you can still double your current tooltip at the very least.
SirKeldron wrote:
I see in your gear (page 1) that in your mace you have "Faster attacks" and "Blood magic" linked with "Shield charge".
Since these gems are support gems, shouldn't you have put them in the main attack skill? (Static strike).
Do I miss any sinergy here? (between weapon and attack skill?)

No problem, any question is welcome. Blood magic is supporting shield charge because I want to have all my mana available for the main attack skill. If I move rapidly enough through a map without blood magic support I won't have any mana when I find a monster to kill. Faster attacks shortens the shield charge animation so that I can get around faster. Try it out in a place like the ledge, you will notice the difference.

I don't have these support gems on my main attack for a reason. Although faster attacks is good, added fire damage is usually a little bit better for us. Blood magic support on main attack is not necessary and would take up a support gem slot, costing me a lot of DPS.
Sovyn wrote:
SirKeldron wrote:
I see in your gear (page 1) that in your mace you have "Faster attacks" and "Blood magic" linked with "Shield charge".
Since these gems are support gems, shouldn't you have put them in the main attack skill? (Static strike).
Do I miss any sinergy here? (between weapon and attack skill?)

No problem, any question is welcome. Blood magic is supporting shield charge because I want to have all my mana available for the main attack skill. If I move rapidly enough through a map without blood magic support I won't have any mana when I find a monster to kill. Faster attacks shortens the shield charge animation so that I can get around faster. Try it out in a place like the ledge, you will notice the difference.

I don't have these support gems on my main attack for a reason. Although faster attacks is good, added fire damage is usually a little bit better for us. Blood magic support on main attack is not necessary and would take up a support gem slot, costing me a lot of DPS.

That my friend, is the definition of micro-management!!
I am really happy I found this guide early in my begining in the game!

So far so good. Still in the very early levels and planning on finishing normal tonight...I play super casually, especially with the holidays going on so not as much forward progress as I'd hoped. I forgot how satisfying melee kills could feel and have been pleasantly surprised with how well Vigilant Strike and Riposte have been serving me in terms of damage mitigation. With the exception of what I spawn and bring upon myself in the stone circles of Talisman, I've face-tanked every boss, rare, and unique mob up to this point. Even Merveil, which I remember truly struggling with (8-10 TP refreshes IIRC) when I originally played this build way back when. I attribute most of that to the mana changes to melee skills and the amount earned per character level - huge quality of life change.

I suppose I need to give Static Strike some time, because it just doesn't feel as solid as Molten Strike, but when it procs, it's definitely better damage... It just feels like I have to target more deliberately than MS. We'll see what happens as I progress, it probably just needs to grow on me.

Edit: Based on past experience, and the way things are progressing thus far based on level, I'm confident that Kole, Piety, and possibly even Dominus will get the same facetank treatment in Normal difficulty. The true test of how I'm doing will be Act 4, so we'll see when I get there.
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
Last edited by Khavali#6083 on Dec 23, 2015, 1:16:24 PM
Khavali wrote:
I suppose I need to give Static Strike some time, because it just doesn't feel as solid as Molten Strike, but when it procs, it's definitely better damage... It just feels like I have to target more deliberately than MS. We'll see what happens as I progress, it probably just needs to grow on me.

Molten Strike is viable too it's just the non-circular AOE is harder to use; monsters behind you won't get hurt so you have to turn around to kill those, wasting time. You can also try Ice Crash, maybe you will be like it better than static. Also try cyclone, some people love that as it let's you stay moving all the time thus avoiding taking a lot of hits. Also, if you like fire, try infernal blow with melee splash. It's a bit stronger combo in 2.1.
Yeah, overall Static Strike IS definitely better, it just doesn't "feel" better, at least early on. I'm planning on taking and sticking with Ice Crash when I get it, as that's the skill that really appealed to me when I came back to this build, and as others including yourself have done, if I get bored or if I really want to hit maps hard to build up the pool, I'll drop RT and go Cyclone/Crit/Doryani's/Coil at late game.
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
Khavali wrote:
Yeah, overall Static Strike IS definitely better, it just doesn't "feel" better, at least early on.

Static is terrible without multistrike. Maybe you tried it without multi.

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