1 question after the HLD tournament
I just wanted to point out that everyone will complain about builds of other people, but his own build is 100% not broken / op and he is of course right
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
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" who are you? and who am i? |
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Does PvP even exist in this game?
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" There are a few people here that actually dissect builds. Base their strengths on the mechanics in the game, how easy they are to play, how effective they are in pvp. That consider damn near every possible reason to even pose an argument before they will claim something is too good or too shitty. Then there are retards, not much else needs to be written. IGN: MullaXul
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" have you tried dissecting the build from an LLD standpoint? molten shell and tempest shield does no damage in LLD, they are in need of some buffs if anything |
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" This is a hld thread. I never lld, so I never express my opinions on it. Nor suggest anything to better it, because I don't know it. Lld has level caps that make certain gems weaker then others or flat out non existent. I know that much, by that fact at lvl 28 you won't even have the block nor gem levels to make tempest powerful especially as melee which most lld are. In hld scenarios tempest and molten can destroy you without the other guy even looking at the screen or touching the mouse. I'd consider hld in a far shittier place then lld. Hld is the "end game" PvP equivalent. There are no lvl/gear/gem caps or limitations besides the balance itself. Lld you're restricted by design and to buff stuff for lld would also buff it in pvm making game progression easier. I don't want to say lld is the little league of PvP...but compared to hld, balance should be looked at on a major league level. Before the introduction of the block reduction gem you couldn't even touch tempest shield with anything but a sword,trap,totem. I've been playing avatar of fire for almost a year now just to prevent 1hit deaths to molten shell...you think I want to play this shit? A lot of ppl started going aof now too because of it. I hate games that pigeon hole you into one concept because if you don't use it you're dead. Especially a game with 1300+ passives and 9999999 gems/gear and build possibilities. One skill says fuck that. One mechanic (critical) says fuck your character. Block says fuck your character plus tree plus gem selection and with tempest says it more. Molten and tempest are only really overkill strong on a caster. Casters have been getting huge buffs and even non crit based can do respectable damage now. Casters have north of 8k es in most cases with block and very powerful main attacks.....molten never should of been this strong. Even when casters had low DPs without crits it was a defense that was far too strong. Now given the fact casters can drop you in 0.05 seconds and have more effective es/hp pool then most everything in the game ....ya overkill. Same can be said for tempest, add the fact its a free form of shock and its just as bad. Edit: criticals are no where near the hld levels in lld. That in itself is a big contributor to molten and tempest feeling weak. Plus the obvious ones, melee with no spell DMG, low block, low gems, maybe not 4 linking it with good supports. Regardless in lld some stuff was just never meant to be, try lvl 40 lld. Even then you're restricted by design. Criticals are the common denominator in a every thread regarding balance on this game. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Sep 15, 2014, 7:30:26 AM
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Because an LLD vs HLD storm is brewing, due to a gem like molten being weak for one and OP for the other, i thought i'd come point out that GGG can make the pvp version of molten do less dmg at higher lvls but increase the starting dmg at lower lvls. Everyone can be happy :)
IGN: @GreenDude Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Sep 15, 2014, 9:44:25 AM
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" Ya there's a few work arounds. Think a better player damage reduction formula would ease the balancing end of things. Though its not that easy if everyone did 1/4th DMG to each other in high lvl for example....criticals still remain the problem. That guy will always do 2-10x his DMG. I don't think all the gems need to be sorted through and revalued per pvm,lld,hld that's a lot of work. Criticals > high lvl Lack of base DMG/critical out put > low level. Though....I'd say that's the better place to be. If lld wasn't restricted based on level and gear I think a low critical burst DMG PvP setting is the better one. It just coincidently coincides with llds lack of options. I'd actually go as far to say molten is fine in lld. Sure its not 1hitting ppl while you're in the bathroom away from the PC. In lld armors actually a viable stat, the DMG mitigation of molten isn't bad in lld. Plus it adds some DMG if properly linked. Same goes for tempest 4% block is a bigger deal in lld then it is in hld. Sure again you're not standing there laughing while the other guy shocks himself to death but its DMG....and still applies shock. If lld had the diversity and 0 limitations hld has....I'd lld. If hld had the more logical balance that lld has ( I know its not perfect, but its better ). Then hld would be in a much better place. Oh and another thing cwdt set ups aren't as bad in lld. Plus cwdt set ups benefit casters a shiiiiitload more then melee or bow. We can't link a 20-20 skill that fires out of our ass on auto target that does as much DMG as self casting. We get a few curses, options to chill,ic and ec. Outside of that nothing....and in PvP vs a caster ic does nothing. Just saying, there's a lot of stuff wrong here I could go on and on. Balancing department has selective vision or bad prediction and association skills or something. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Sep 15, 2014, 11:40:04 AM
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Lol half your post is a compliment to the balance of LLD and then you say "if it had the same diversity as HLD, i'd LLD"
If thats your only lasting argument, then you have to play LLD because there is no more diversity in HLD. As you saw in the tournament, only a handful of builds are actually top tier or competitive. Sure it might have more total builds, but if half of those are low tier, whats the point? I'd argue both HLD & LLD have the same amount of builds that sit in mid/top tier. Let's not forget that teams 3v3 will showcase new builds built exclusively for team play. tl;dr: play LLD Mulla! IGN: @GreenDude
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Prolly what you are saying is right, but before claiming something op, i eill try to find a counter. For example there is a thing that help a lot vs molten shell but i havent ever seen anyone use it except dullah. In fact he dies a lot lot less than everyone else against molten. Kerp thinking and try all things that are in the game before calling out that some skills are godlike.
PvP Team Omniscient
IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] |
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