[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
" Deadeye for pure damage, but it pure glasscannon with no defenses Raider dps and defences. Deadeye is recommended if you have a powerful PC that doesn't lag, good internet connection that doesn't lag and you are sure you can handle it. Deadeye is very squishy since it provides 0.0 surv. Raider provides little bit less DPS, but grants dodge,spell dodge, elemental damage, almost perma phase, movement speed,frenzy generation->wild attack speed-> more leech per second, more crits per second, more flask charges per second.... " Shaper capable build.He won't be an easy target, but still killable. Last edited by ZerotuL#1517 on Apr 4, 2017, 4:08:55 AM
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" so I'm torn between raider and pathfinder which do you think is better for overall doing everything? and what should i go for first on the ascendancy tree? |
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" Haven't played pathfinder, but PF is all about flask piano. Personally i don't like gameplay that depends on flasks. |
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" ok raider it is, what nodes should i take and in what order? |
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" Some more notes about the Ranger ascendacies from my point of view Deadeye: very good dps increase even with budget gear. The Richochet-path is for pure Aoe-Clear though - you may consider "endless munitions", "powerful precision" + another two-point node for better single target instead. Not very safe vs trashmobs, if you have lagspikes. Raider: pure AoE clear with close to no single target bonuses. Safe vs trash-packs due to extra evasion+dodge from the ascendacy. I played Raider with some bad-mediocre gear and didnt like it at all due to poor dmg in boss fights (a lot less compared to deadeye!). With a 6l+ a good bow it might be ok though. Pathfinder: Probably the best endgame scaling with 20% inc. flask effect from the ascendacy and optional flask bonuses like immunity to bleed and status ailments which allow you to squeeze more (insanely strong) utility flasks in your setup. As CI you can pick the alchemist cluster for total 50% flask effect and some crazy bonuses like +3 proj during the "dying sun" effect instead of +2 (-> signalshot thread). You need some currency to make it work though, because of the very tough balance of the passive tree (and little %inc ES). Btw. the leveling is imo quite straightforward, once you got some currency to start with. Since there are a lot of people around who know much more about lvling then me, I'll just write down some brief suggestions: starting equip - [disclaimer: some of those pieces are a lot more expensive in HC than in SC] wanderlust (20% MS), goldrim (30-40% all res, some eva), karui ward jade amulet (MS, stats, accuracy, dmg...), 2x lifesprig, lochtonial caress (attack+cast speed, charge gen.), meginord's belt (dmg, str, life), elreon jewellery. if you can afford a tabula, run it by all means - if not, you can buy a 4l Ashrend or 4l it yourself (bc of the "supported by added fire") act 1: I found it quite nice to level with dual lifesprigs and freeze pulse+spark ("projectile"), cause you want to start with the proj nodes anyway (and respec out of those later, if needded). You get the first supports from the prison quest (LMP, added cold). For Brutus/Merveil spark+added cold should do the job. At lvl 12 you can equip the Storm Cloud Ligthning Arrow with LMP and other supports like added cold. Since LA lacks single target, you may grab barrage from the same quest as well. The bow/quiver progression is: Storm Cloud (lvl9) - Roth's Reach (17?) - Death's Harp (32) - Death Opus (44) (if you can, otherwise Infractem at lvl 53) - Quiver: Hyrri's bite (lvl 10) - blackgleam (22) - signal fire (24) or drillneck (36) depending on your build. as a rule of thumb, go for more dmg nodes at the start and pick the %inc dmg and %inc attack speed nodes instead of crit or even life-nodes. Around the end of act 3 you may want more life though (for piety, dominus and later for daresso+malachai). I haven't looked at the leveling section of this guide for a while, but last time the [leveling!] tree was quite decent tbh. Last edited by juerk#7020 on Apr 4, 2017, 9:45:43 AM
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I've been following this build and i'm planning to go for the pathfinder ascendancy but I am not sure which "skills" I need to take. He mentions free poison with pathfinder so I assume I have to take the master herbalist ascendancy. While other tornado shot pathfinder guides don't mention it.
So which would be the best ascendancy points for patfinder following the life build? Although I will probably change to his ES-CI build eventually. My second question is about the Lioneye jewel. Based on both skill trees you definitely need it because of the claw cluster. But in his written section about jewels he mentions he does not take the unique gem lionseye. Can someone clarify this for me? Thanks! |
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Deadeye with ricochet is absolutely amazing against crowds, but as it was mentioned earlier, it is a glass cannon. I went with Deadeye, and I'm very satisfied with my clear speed, but survivability became an issue starting from around T9-T10. If you go Deadeye, you might consider also picking up Vaal Pact. They synergize well, because VP turns Deadeye's insane DPS into a survivability asset (higher damage = better leech = your life bulb refills faster). But you'll also have to adjust your playstyle accordingly, relying on aggression to survive, which further reinforces the notion of a glass cannon.
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
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Really need a good quiver and a few INT points. Any ideas on which are best quiver to craft up and such?
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if i dont want harbinger, what's the best unique bow for end game !!??
Thanks, guys !!! That's the beest build for farm ( mine opinion ) |
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Another question.
Build says to use Grace and Hatred as combo. But if I use both my mana is at zero? What is the fix for that. They are linked if that matters. Also, as above. For deadeye . Would Harbinger be a good choice? Last edited by AntSunrise#6376 on Apr 4, 2017, 10:06:18 PM
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