Hall of Grandmasters: Development Update 1

So far, we've been working on the layout of the map. We've assembled some screenshots from the current in-development version. This one shows the gate at the start of the Hall of Grandmasters:

Once inside, you can choose which of several Hallways to attempt. Each one has a specific reward at the end (for example, a random Unique item). After surviving one Hallway, you can attempt the others to try to get multiple rewards from your run of the map. As we receive more Grandmasters in the future, we'll add more Hallways.

Inside a Hallway, there are segments that are separated by forcefields. Each segment contains a fight against random Grandmasters. They must be killed before you're able to fight the ones in the next segment. Once you reach the end of a Hallway, there's a chest with your reward.

This layout allows us to cater to various different numbers of Grandmasters (initially a few dozen, then eventually hundreds) as people submit their characters. We'll add more Hallways or more segments to the Hallways as needed to balance the rewards against the challenge of the map and its drop rate (which is hopefully relatively common).

We're currently not ready to accept submissions of Grandmaster characters, but that is coming soon! Now that the layout is ready, we're starting to work on the mechanics of the map that spawn enemies for you to fight against in each segment. We'll then work on technology for exporting characters from the live realm as Grandmasters that can be imported.

Expect more updates over the coming weeks!
Lead Developer. Follow us on: Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Contact Support if you need help!
Last edited by Chris#0000 on Jan 29, 2015, 10:14:45 PM
Looks fantastic, can't wait to try this out.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Oh wow........
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Looks really nice!
The gate, the furthest I'll ever get on HC.
IGN: Aux
Brace yourselves, The Grandmasters are coming \o/

Realy excited for this ^^
First page o.o
Cool concept, the creativity of you guys will never end right? :D
Last edited by jazael#2483 on Sep 2, 2014, 12:50:39 AM
Hyped! Gotta upgrade at some point! :D
If someone submits a grandmaster with the current skill tree and then the tree changes, how does that affect the way their character behaves?
nice one.,

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