[PIG] Pigs Are Great: Casual guild focused on kindness, generosity, and helping new exiles [89/100]
You guys seem like a great group! I'm interested in joining - IGN ScytheReaber (Char) or Yoshi_Bones (Acc)
Add me pls
active player lvl 55-50 on 3 chars 1 month old playing so kinda still learning stuff |
IGN RaistlinMejereII
forgot to put it lel |
Plz send me an in-game invite. My IGN is : FlmaeBlaster.
Update for those are you still interested in joining our Guild, our member list has now been purged of all of those inactive players and we've now tonnes of room.
I have just invited a big batch of players into the Guild, if I have happened to miss you then I apologise and if you'd like to send me a message either on the forums or in-game (you can add me to your friends list too) then I will invite you as soon as possible. IGN: Doctor_Floppylips |
You guys seem great and I'd love to join you if there's still room. My IGN in XuanLao.
hi i just started and im looking for a guild whith people to party and generally have a nice time, and this guild looks fantastic for that :D!!!
currently i have a lvl21 shadow and im thinking of starting another character soon thanks for reading! |
I've been playing for a little while, and decided joining a guild would be a fun way to enhance my experience in the game. PIG seems like a super fun and chill guild, which is just what I'm looking for. I hope you'll consider adding me, and I look forward to getting to know everyone! IGN: Niyzra |
Hello everyone I have been looking for a guild for a while and im really interested in joining. I have been learning a lot in the game and could still use a little guidance every now and then. I hope to hear back from you all.
IGN DeathByFuria