[1.1] [1.2] [1.3] [2.0 RIP build]. Maawk Firetrapper
From today, July 25, 2015, I'm not be going to update this guide anymore. For who played with me in: Torment and Bloodlines, Rampage and Beyond, Ambush and Invasion with this build. I just wanna say thanks, especially for those who sent videos for the guide, those who sent pm's for me asking for tips and posting here with diferent tree changes or modifications, you all made this guide grow. Again thanks you all! Old content
![]() 1.3 Content
- Big Buff from skill tree with the new elemental nodes
- Changed the tree from 1.2, this time with more life Hi fellow exiles, Based on the FIRETRAP skill, This build its based on the burning/dot/proliferate fire damage on the enemies, Its a very powerful build for solo/party, does a lot of damage, and a very high mobility build, since we dont have to stay casting skills, just throwing traps and running around. Pros -Fast clear speed (one of the bests) -High mobility build -Can do most map mods -Decent life, armour, since we run artic armour, vitality. -No problems with any reflect, corrupting blood -Fun build, bosses, exiles, big packs die almost instantly -Cheap build Cons -Cant do blood magic mods -Half regen maps its doable, but hurts -Cant do atziri -Skill Tree Carcass Jack + Searing touch Cloak of Defiance + Searing Touch
110 points
1º: Dont follow ALL the skill tree (remember, this is a guide for helping, so, you have to make decisions depending on your playstyle) you are very gear dependent, so, check ur stats to make sure and pick the right nodes in the tree. 2º: Its a very flexible tree, if you wanna change into something, like EE, ACRO/PHASE, DUAL CURSE, its easier. 3º: If you dont have a Atziris Foible make sure to wear itens with DEX for leveling firetrap. 4º: Cloak users: to wear this chest means you will look a high mana pool and regen, so, dont use VITALITY aura and the mana left will be decent for MOM. 5º: Its a high life based tree, if you never played caster before and dont feel confortable playing without a high armour/evasion, make sure to focus in a defensive gear and playstyle. At level 80, you want something like this: 99 points -Bandits
Normal: Help Oak for life
Cruel: Kill all for Skill point Merciless: Kill all for Skill point -Gems and links
Offense: Fire trap 4Link: Firetrap - Elemental proliferation - Increased burning damage - chance to ignite 5Link:Firetrap - Elemental proliferation - Increased burning damage - chance to ignite - Concentratred effect 6Link: Firetrap - Elemental proliferation - Increased burning damage - chance to ignite - Concentratred effect - Empower/Fire penetration Cold snap(this is optional, im using this in my current setup, works great for freezing packs 3Link: Cold snap – Elemental proliferation – Incresed area of effect Defense: Auras: Clarity - Vitality/Purity of elements or a single purity (UR CHOICE) - Discipline - Reduced mana Movement: Lightning warp - Reduced duration - Faster casting Curse: Flammability - Increased area of effect Artic armour - Empower (if you want) Cast when damage taken - enduring cry – immortal call – incresed duration -Useful Gear:
Searing touch This is the most powerful item for this build, provides a massive fire damage scale all gems level and can be used from level 13 Carcass Jack The best chest for offense, increases our Area of skill and damage, life and all resists Cloak of Defiance for more defensive playstyle, this chest provides a HUGE mana pool, mana regeneration and Mind over matter. to wear this we have to cut off vitality aura Atziri's Foible The best possible amulet for this build, reduces the global stats needed for wearing itens and gems, provides a HUGE mana regeneration and extra mana Doryani's catalyst for the 1 hand + shield version of this build, im making some variations, this sceptre its the most powerful 1 hand for this build, provides a lot of elemental damage and a free lv20 ele prolif for cold snap setup Boots: Armour/Energy Shield with life, resists, movement speed Gloves: Armour with life, resists, stats Helmet: Armour/Energy shield with life, mana, resists Rings and Belt: Life, resists, mana regen, attributes -Gear Example
-Gear Example
Im using the headhunter belt for fun. -Screenshots
![]() Firetrap tooltip ![]() -Videos
-Merciless docks run
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Rq0e9uA5s -The player "Vodkawater" made a video in a 69 promenade map with burning ground - nemesis mobs, playing on rampage league. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I91VqgPKg6k he forgot to turn the arctic armour, anyway, this video show the power of only one fire trap can be strong and kill an entire screen almost instantly. -The player "forzazx6" made a AMAZING VIDEO using this build playing rampage league 1 shotting endgame bosses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc2mpOlYjQQ it also presents an interesting variation, holding a saffels in the second hand, so, when he throw a trap, switch for saffels and get extra elemental resists, i loved this ideia, and he has a variation for the build using a alphas. Thats all, hope you like, any suggestions and questions pls let me know! This world is an illusion, exile! Totems for life! Last edited by Mawwk#1288 on Apr 23, 2018, 12:41:05 PM
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25 July 2015: - After some tests for 2.0 this build will be ending here. 09 December 2014: -added the skill tree for 1.3.0 patch updated, the cloak/carcass jack versions of the tree will be the same, shield version ill be added later, or not. 04 september 2014: -the player "forzazx6" made a video for the guide. 28 august 2014: -The 116 points tree keep changing, thx for the players helping to getting better results, soon the new leveling guide ill be updated. 27 august 2014: -added a new video, thanks to "Vodkawater" who made the video and shared to me for the guide. 23 august 2014: -added a little video running merciless docks. 23 august 2014: -added defenses screenshot. 23 august 2014: Skill Tree changed: -removed iron reflexes and the area close to scion tree; -grabed more life; -grabed more fire dmg and 5% ignite chance close to shadow area; -grabed armour nodes close to templar area; 22 august 2014: -cleaning and organizing done in the guide. 20 august 2014: - Guide Created for patch 1.2.0. - New skill tree. - Added all sections about the guide. This world is an illusion, exile! Totems for life! Last edited by Mawwk#1288 on Jul 25, 2015, 12:46:23 PM
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This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life! |
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Looks good, gonna give this a try now
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" any questions pm or leave here plz. This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life! |
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why do we need "chance to ignite" if firetrap ignites everything anyway?
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What kind of leveling gear do you use before getting a Searing Touch? Wand for spell damage or Scepter for elemental damage? I'm gonna try it in the new Rampage league. Thanks.
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" we use chance to ignite to make a combo for prolif. This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life! |
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" im playing on beyond now, lv 31 so far playing slowly. use a wand, staf, sceptre with +1 gem or fire, level as flameblast and firetrap until you have a decent gear. This world is an illusion, exile! Totems for life! Last edited by Mawwk#1288 on Aug 21, 2014, 3:30:35 PM
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Does spell damage affect fire trap?
I've been dual wielding self-crafted crystal scepters in Rampage. EDIT: Apparently spell damage does increase trap damage. Last edited by LilCroissant#3578 on Aug 21, 2014, 11:09:13 AM
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