Live preparation of 1.2.0 patch notes

Can't wait to see these
Our God has spoken B]
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
start a countdown clock someone
it is 7:26 am here, and i am at work
Give a man a fish, and you can feed him for a day.
But give a fish a man, and you can feed it for a month.
Best usage of Google Docs, EVER.

Big fat fucking grin on my face.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Well indeed chris,no chat whatsoever.So here we will spam and spam till your eyes bleed
Bye bye desync!
Cool use of Google Docs! We use them at work for collaborating purposes, but this is pretty nifty. Thanks for letting us, well, watch!
Can't wait!
[Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058
[Hideout] New Oriath /2505008
[Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163
[Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905
"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia
Live patch note writing, lmfao.

That is awesome beyond words.

I think I'd actually prefer to watch live patch note writing than to watch a movie...

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