[The Great Giveaway 2!] - FIFTEEN+ Build Gear Sets - Each Worth 6+ exalteds - [Standard]

nice build, i was a blender, will definitely try this out and use alpha's howl interchangeably!

problem for me is no one seems to be selling rainbowstride at 1ex :(
Standard IGN : Blending_Gor (lv93 bow duelist), MoPor (Lv93 Scion), LungPor (Lv92 SRS ES witch)
HK_Trinity , HK_Shepherd ,
My Shop: 694ES 6L for 35 ex, mirrored bow for 155ex
pp2022 wrote:
nice build, i was a blender, will definitely try this out and use alpha's howl interchangeably!

problem for me is no one seems to be selling rainbowstride at 1ex :(

Ah yeah, I've bought 13 of them now probably why :P Most for 1 ex, some for 1,5-2 though :)
TaIent wrote:
I've been wanting to try BoR WoE for a while now and I haven't been able to afford myself a Bringer of Rain in standard. I'd certainly love to try out the build if possible.

I'll hook you up with a BoR :)
This is the best idea i've ever seen in these forums. I will admit I have been real salty over the announced changes for the coming patch. After reading your post I would love to be a candidate and take part. My hope is it will bring me great joy.

I am genuinely interested in the build. I have been playing for 3 months. I would like to make the investment to get to 60+ in order to use the gear.

Please consider me sir, thank you kindly.

Last edited by Sandwich96#1928 on Aug 19, 2014, 3:32:05 PM
15 (!) Fifteen sets given away.

Total worth; 72 exalteds!

Might be a few set more that i can squeeze out!
Pm'ed 4 more of you, check your inboxes!
I have a level 82 ranger that I would like to try this build on. I can stream right away if I'm get picked to get these items. Very interested in this build.
Please help to fight the climate change!
Hi I just started playing a few weeks ago and I'm running a lvl 78 tanky moltenstrike duelist that started out on the one month HC ladder after a couple of other characters (not the best idea I know but I learned a lot quickly). I have already invested my first exalt on a shield for him but I would definitely be interested in switching to this build come 1.2.
Last edited by Avernas#5247 on Dec 4, 2014, 1:53:24 PM
If this is still available I'd definitely be interested...looks like a fun build and certainly different than my usual playstyle of caster's.
“Blood is really warm, it's like drinking hot chocolate, but with more screaming."

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