OMG's Detonate Dead
ADDED New Uberi video (tutorial run) where im explaining some basic tips for normal and uber runs.
[‡RTN‡] Remember The Name (Thread #1196726) - Leader
Playing OMGwtfwasthat lvl99/ Detonate dead - (Thread #991083) OMG's Marketplace - (Thread #708436) |
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" 1. u dont need it this build is maded without pof and safel so i dont see reason of changing something that already working pertfect. 2. Std is DD - Fire pen. - Conc eff - Inc area - ele prolif - chance to ignite For single target sw ele prolif with spel echo (if target cant be ignited like atziri then also sw chance to ignite with faster casting) 3.u dont need inc duration since u killing almost all in few sec 4. 3%? i think my build is using also warlords mark that giving additional 7,1% (with cuse nodes) so its above 10% 5.Flamability and warlords mark (but ur dps will be multiple lower since u not using also ele weakness) Eye of chayula is must have and thats reason why u cant kil atziri. if u put flam and ele weak u dont have enoug leech then ur deff sucks. Eye of chayula is must have and probbly most important item for this build [‡RTN‡] Remember The Name (Thread #1196726) - Leader
Playing OMGwtfwasthat lvl99/ Detonate dead - (Thread #991083) OMG's Marketplace - (Thread #708436) |
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" Well before you even get the full breakdown from OMG, here are a few things to consider: 1. It is a good Idea to have the PoF for Atziri just in case you end up tanking one of the small flameblasts (very likely). However because of the mana required for bursting her down, you probably won't have enough in your reserve and therefore probably can't run it. There is no reason to swap to Saffel's as you would drop your DPS (and leech) significantly in exchange for minor defenses that don't really aid this particular build due to our more DPS orientation. 2. Change to Ignite & Ele Prolif are swapped with Spell Echo & faster Casting 3. Running CWDT with Enduring Cry & Immortal call lvl 20 is okay. You would certainly not get as long a buff like with increased duration. Normally if you are just running maps, using the Warlord's Mark Curse is enough to generate the endurance charges so you can run Increased Duration then. 4. Actually Warlord's Mark gives 7% (6.9%) Life leech to cursed enemies so that is 10% Leech all together. 5. For Atziri you will want Elemental Weakness + Warlord's mark with only 2 curses. Warlord's Mark for leech and Elemental Weakness for the Ele resist reduction. As far as I know, Aztiri can not be ignited so the longer ignite duration from Flammability will only help you for Vaal + Trio. EDIT: Already answered Last edited by dfolucinda#1360 on Feb 13, 2015, 2:18:20 AM
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" Really nice video man. Currently at 86 (Haven't been leveling fast because I have a lot of work) but will have all curse nodes at 89 and do Atziri easily then :). All that is left is curse and DPS nodes. |
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" TYVM ;) Also i maked build trees for 85/90/95/99 So with 86 and nice gear u can shoot uber atziri easy (just falow build tree) [‡RTN‡] Remember The Name (Thread #1196726) - Leader
Playing OMGwtfwasthat lvl99/ Detonate dead - (Thread #991083) OMG's Marketplace - (Thread #708436) |
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thank you so much for explaining everything in your video. congrats and thank you for this build ! Amazing damage, even without mirrored gear - most of your stuff is acutally pretty cheap - wow.
some questions : 1.whats the minimum level you would need to start normal atziri runs comfortably ? 2. somewhere else it was mentioned detonate dead sucks in parties - can you comment on that? 3. how do you level with this build? what kind of problems will i face when leveling this, and what kind of problems did you have doing maps? keep it up ! RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625
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" Uber is easier compared to normal. cant explain but on uber u pushing more dmg. Yes i know level of mobs is higher but u still doin % of their hp. One friend explain me that dd working diferent annd that there is some kind like dmg multy for higher zones/ mobs (confirmed from chris long time ago) So When u kill normal u can kill uber 100% Im 100% that u can do it below lvl 90 (around 88 easy) I optimized all in this build so u can carry entire party easy. my guildies know my run speed at maps and they hard even catch me. So u are able with this build to carry ur members like st and other imba builds. Ele reflect can be painfull (always curse with warlords mark before) if u hit without cursing there is big chance u will one shot ur self... This is pure dmg build and deff sucks rlly. only deff is to kill everything enough fast. But yes if u make some mistakes bosses like dominus (palace) can rape u easy) If u doin everything ok there is no way to rip, when u killing bosses like dominus (1. phase is dengerous, second is nothing) Pop up corpses before u start fight. kill adds - when hes down - curse 1-2 dd and run....he will bur to 0) that way u dont risking riping. Power of this build is in insane burning dmg and if u know how to use it, only sky is limit. [‡RTN‡] Remember The Name (Thread #1196726) - Leader
Playing OMGwtfwasthat lvl99/ Detonate dead - (Thread #991083) OMG's Marketplace - (Thread #708436) |
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sounds amazing.
just as a side note: could you reduce the damage a bit to get more survivability? RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625
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then u reducing clear speed. but yes u can remove some dmg nodes and pick some es nodes ofc. even better option for safe maping is to use one doryanis with es shield.
[‡RTN‡] Remember The Name (Thread #1196726) - Leader
Playing OMGwtfwasthat lvl99/ Detonate dead - (Thread #991083) OMG's Marketplace - (Thread #708436) |
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Greatest job, this build will be always in my heart. Just hate your macros using, but what the f*ck, good job anyway. Amazing cheap and damage dealer. Main reason i love your guide that it is not using stupid skills like ST, it is not wander and even not stupid melee (99% of ppl play melee or st etc.).
Some questions: 1) How you stay alive on elemental reflect monster in non-reflect map? 2) What do you think about more expensive setup like pledge staff+kaoms armour in life (+high hp regen) version? Do he has chance? 3) How do you think it is needed to rewamp build to capable any map mods? (like bm noregen maps, etc.) Thank you, good player, cheers. Former old diablo 2 and median player.
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