Path of Exile: Forsaken Masters

I'm impressed. =)
I'm really excited. The only thing that bothers me is the two 3 month leagues. I guess a major patch every 4 months is a bit hard after all, so I guess it's no big deal.

The prizes are MTX, does that mean they are going to be something us mere mortals can accomplish?
We fight to delay the end because it's the means that matter.
Diemx0 wrote:
Quite beyond my expectations, and i had high expectations.

Archwizard wrote:
Holy Shit HYPE

Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Sounds amazing!!!

I have a question regarding the hideouts, were do you get the items to customise them? Can you buy things like furniture, crafting benches, bookshelfs and so on? Or are they parts of mission rewards?

Really looking forward to the expansion, it´s different than I expected, but sounds overall very cool!
no words BibleThump

Last edited by Ornstein#6308 on Jul 30, 2014, 11:47:42 PM
Please let there be a Selfishness support gem. Please let there be a Selfishness support gem.
GGG, why you do this to me? Wait until August 8 for more info?! WHY?!

*cries himself to sleep, and overdoses on sleeping pills hoping to take enough to keep him asleep for a week..*
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
CycloneJack wrote:
I'm hoping that unassigned pets are found roaming your hideout. :)

wow how freakin cool would that be!
werezompire wrote:
Please let there be a Selfishness support gem. Please let there be a Selfishness support gem.


they will nerf anger/wrath and try to make you run 2x the auras for the same effect so to kill the elemental throw builds that are popular now (actually fun, OMG! kill it!)

many if not all the increased aura effect passives will be nerfed or deleted for the same reason as above and to try to once again force you into parties by making running auras solo much harder or much less effective.

unless you plan on running full groups always you might as well hang it up this patch.

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