[1.2.3] Sid's Ball Lightning - EB/Crit /2 Curse on hit/ 4 Auras with Herald of Ice
by a miracle of trading i managed to get this for 6ex and 10jewelers and 21fusings
ill not check my luck for 6link this totally changes my future build to take advantage of new staff crit nodes and ill build for crit life build |
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Oh man, nice ! Can't wait to put my hands on something like that ^^
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Sidherat, first of all, thanks for keeping this discussion alive and adding your thoughts and ideas regarding Ball Lightning. It is a skill that is currently undervalued by the community but next league the lid is going to be blown off this skill. There are popular streamers such as RaizQT who plan on focusing on this build, and I wouldn't be surprised if they take a lot of your ideas...
With that said, and after looking at the new 1.2 tree, here are my thoughts for a BL build. Offense: Your 5-L setup is sound, and I wouldn't change anything about it. It is unconventional and exactly why I think people underestimated the gem. This setup I believe can be augmented by curses- TWO curses to be exact. The combination of conductivity, elemental weakness, lightning penetration, and the 2% lightning penetration node is just too good to pass up. A downside that I see is the upcoming nerfs to curses, but with the new curse nodes on the skill tree there might be the potential for curses to be even MORE powerful than they were before. Another downside that I see to this is party play where EVERYONE flings curses around... the solution to this is simply to play solo or with a group of friends. Defense: Arctic Armor is boring. Do we really need to use lightning of purity for max lightning res? Personally, I don't think so. AA is a relic of the past, and while good we can at least explore new things... What about going hybrid? That is my proposal. The new tree has made hybrid life/ES very attractive. The negative behind going hybrid of course is chaos damage bypassing ES. Or, we could go full blown ES/CI but that is boring and I think many people are going CI to begin with... I know AA is great for witch builds, but I find them absolutely boring. At least with the discipline aura, you can bet that your getting a lot of ES potentially. I can see this character having a life pool of at least 6K. Start The witch, I believe, is the best character for this. She is close to the lightning wheel, and there are a lot of nodes that provide damage and survivability. I know that Sidherat starts at the Shadow, but personally I don't see the benefit from the perspective of the new tree. Either way, I'm sure that a viable Shadow BL user will do just fine. Tree Build
Unique Besides Divinarius and Carcass, I'm not sure what unique items would be best. Gear If we go hybrid, I'm sure we are going to need a lot of chaos resistance on gear. In addition, it would be nice to have some added lightning damage on gear as well. ________________________________________________________ Those are just some of my thoughts. I'm looking forward to making a BL character in the new leagues. GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
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original post (archive purposes only)
" Hi This is another take at the new gem - Ball Lightning This spell is very different compared to all (maybe except Firestorm) spells released up to date. It deals damage over time but in ticks and these ticks happen in a moving area. This knowledge is the key to successfully scaling it. " " " " " " " " Have fun and enjoy this gem. It is really very very fun to play with. But beware of it scaling and behaving very different to all (almost) previous spell gems. Old tricks wont work. |
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great guide! Very similar to what I am leveling now. Few things: You may want to consider applying curses with CoH. Saves you a cast and buffs your curses. Plus, is EB working out ok with AA, despite having rather few mana nodes? |
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" AA (lvl 19 right now, but just about to get 20) works perfectly - there is a slight (2-3mana/s) degen while i run, but because you have to stop to cast it works perfectly. have yet to run out of mana. in fact with a bit of patience i can turn off clarity and still manage (but 'just', it is not viable) CoH is nice and will think about it but the issue is - links. i simply do not have links for that.. but i have lvl18/some quality CoH waiting for this to happen |
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Hi guys, Good thread!
When starting from the left side of Witch, are the 3 Cast Speed nodes or 3 Spell Dmg nodes better to Elem. Dominion, or are they about the same in the end? I took Cast Speed for now, since I don't have points enough for 3 Cast Speed nodes + 2 Ele. Dmg. nodes coming out of Trickery. This is a re-build from self-cast tanky Arc Witch that got boring. Last edited by Arthikas#4126 on Aug 22, 2014, 7:21:48 PM
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This looks really nice, thanks for posting it.
Congratulations on your Pledge of Hands but please keep the current build updated for people who can't afford it. Last edited by Agent_Wesker#3689 on Aug 22, 2014, 7:23:52 PM
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You should really look at using Crit Damage on a crit build, it's massive damage scaling.
IGN: Dmillz
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" Tht got me killed too many times. Loss of max resist.from the tree is such a huge deal combined with lower mobs resists (more dmg taken->more reflected) that i decided with clear mind to drop all crit multi.clusters. dps went down a lot but it was mostly overkill dmg anyway. Now i can do reflect maps without issues. Atziri flask plus occassional topaz and tou are set. It is possible to invest in spell block/dodge + that 'cold' low lvl shield to mitigate/saffaells. But i decided to go the low-multi way just because it was easier and im not fooled with high dps numbers easily. |
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