[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
" Thanks a bunch for the info this clears it up :D just to make sure: Links: SRS/Spell Echo/Multistrike/Melee Phy/Minion Dmg*1/Melee Splash*2 *1= swap minion dmg for empower 3 or 2 if +3 staff *2= Swap melee splash with added fire for single target |
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How hard is it to craft +2/+1 on a staff? I know it is hard because I have tried before. How many alts / regals / scour shoudl I count on spending (on average)?
Now I bought a 6L staff for 5 ex. I got +2 in a few tries and regaled it and got 18% cast speed so I decided to keep that for a while. Anyway buying a lvl 4 empower and using this staff with only +2 fire is a lot cheaper than buying a 6L +3 staff. But going to craft it to +3 (when I hoarded enough of alts etc) A huge difference in DPS using a 6L staff (even if I don't use empower yet) compared to when I had only a 5L staff. IMO the weakest in a SRS build is facing mobs which do heavy AoE damage. In once tried doing Olmec but failed miserably (however at that time only having 5L and less leveled gems) because the elemental AoE the bosses put out wiped out the spirits to quickly. I am thinking of maybe trying to pick up Herd the flock) to get +16% resists. I am also using zombies (more of a meat-shield than for doing damage) so perhaps it is not that bad choice for me. Even if zombies die to easy when doing higher level maps. |
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I think it's more difficult/expensive to roll +3 on staff than 6L a +3 staff.
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Hey guys,
first, sorry for my english, not a native speaker here. i could need some help where to go next with my tree iam lvl 82 atm, and will be able to make it to 85/86 this week. here is my current tree: iam a bit unsure how important the 2x 6% aura effect notes at the sovereignty cluster are. i think about going for disciple and training. This will cost me 6 points, give me 5% castspeed, 20% life and 30 max life. i could go for devotion too, 5 points, 20% life and 5% buff effect. Or should go to profane chemistry. tried to optimise the tree as best as i could. its hard to get the needed dex for vaalhaste - thats why i wear my socketed ring with 41 dex and chose to go up to reach EB and influence, instead of going there from the top left of the tree. here is my current gear:
i can run 3 auras, so beeing low on fire is covered by purity of fire (in exchange for empower in helmet) Iam working to 6L my staff, but 1500 fusings will take 2-3 month. Any advice for tree/gear optimisation is welcome! Last edited by bcutter#5794 on Apr 20, 2015, 10:20:41 AM
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" Hey, There will be 2 version of this, 1 for High Budget Uber killing, and 1 for budget/temp-leagues atziri viable. Besides that there will be a minimum of 2 classic summoner builds 1 for uber high budget, 1 for regular/temp-leagues. And most likely there will be minimum 1 with the new item(s) we'll get in the new act. On top of making seperate buildthreads and a more compressed thread I will also make youtube video guides for each and every build I create. " Correct! " Crafting it yourself is ALL about RNG, it "should" be SUPER expensive and i would not recommend it at all. I tried during Bloodlines, bought a 6L staff for 6ex and ended with a final ammount of 19ex spent trying to craft it. I stopped when i had t1 cast speed with +2. But like you say, 6L +2 > 5L +3. Links makes a HUGE difference. I personally wouldn't recommend using permanent minions with this build as its rather buildtree expensive so to say. And don't consider getting HP nodes nor resistance nodes to keep your spirits alive, its a waste. Olmec is a heavy map for this build due to its heavy AoE dmg, once your gems are lvld enough your spirits will kill them fast enough :) " Hey! Not a problem at all, I'll help the best way i can. So lets take a look at your questions: I would recommend going for Disciple and training node as it provides you with some extra cast speed on the way there but provides you with a good chunk of HP nodes. You can spare your 6% aura effect for later. Devotion is a matter of taste, its a good node but you can also run all the way down to "Barbarism" for more resistances and good HP. Again, a matter of taste. Dexterity requirement is a constant struggle for all summoner builds, get as much as you can from your gear to avoid being forced to spec any +30 on the tree itself. As I've mentioned several times earlier, the build is both socket starved as well as skilltree starved so the less nodes you are "forced" to spec the better. :) Looking at your gear I just want to point out the first obvious detail, having a Belly forces you to be weary about your mana regen, make sure you have enough to sustain your spirits! Staff looks beast! Shame it isnt 6L, really sexy looking there though. Faster casting is not needed to your spell totem links unless you feel the need to :) CWDT setup doesnt require Increased Duration as we are already getting 90%+ from our tree! Besides that it looks REALLY good I'd say. Make sure you always consider this: Capping resistances > eHP > 153 Dexterity > Cast Speed. So if you find a piece that gives you a lot more HP but no cast speed, it will be better for you. Hope it helped! Keep up the good work! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hey Ghazzy,
damn that was fast! Many thanks for your aswers ;) sitting at 4200k hp feels okay for me atm. Manaregen is not a problem atm, in can even cast spirits while vaalhaste is active without running out of mana, and with a more leveled clarity it will only be better (as long as iam spamming 5L SRS at least). So i should take out ID on the cwdt setup and put arctic armor there, that opens up the socketed ring for something else. good idea. And what should i use instead of FC on the totem? And finaly: you think its worth to save up to 1500 fusings to 6L my staff? Its a shame that i have no backup for it, so i dont want to try to 6L it and break my 5L and thus break my build as i love to play that character. cheers Last edited by bcutter#5794 on Apr 21, 2015, 12:19:58 AM
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Hey there Ghazzy,
I have a question about the LB-SRS Summoner build. On the skill tree for https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA2VsbJUuu6QLfim0Za9t9GOyKv5fJPRzcf8ZqrFqRqH3T-4LHKPq0DJMnE2wdquGIRnHGnhB_DH36gCqY2QunCLiT6-6IQKasGmydroCkFy_60h0Uj0Zk51XWTbkQl0QEzLz315uhhWCqxBqP9tr7CRmKm7XDOspKb56DCXC77BjBxS9v2RNmnsAakFX0cUNUHdmIQg186rpXyfnoLL8V14auVmMD7h2-M4esqlnzzzJZbV-YbqpKyD8nKk19W6xHUUxq-g5cRX5MsyL0bAsNjRFQNbmnKx1PBkk= It shows that off of the Puppet Master cluster I need to get the unconnected Herd the Flock cluster, but it won't allow me to get it ingame because there is nothing connecting it, and I can't remove a prior passives after I work my way to it. Is there some way to get it that I'm not noticing, or is it a misplaced passive? |
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hi i find this staff is good for srs build
Last edited by robertune#6543 on Apr 22, 2015, 10:27:23 AM
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" Oh yes! a) Craft casting speed on it b) Make it 6L Then you have a very good SRS staff (also getting mana generation on it would make it even better) |
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" RNgesus have been good to me lately. The last week I have managed to vaal +1 to 3 gems, got a 40/15 belly I sold for 3 ex from master and got shav's from Tora. So maybe my luck is with me right now :). But yes it is hard to craft and if was sure that ity would cost me 20 ex to craft it then fine but there is no guarantee. So far I haven't invested anything extra for permanent minions. I have considering taking "Her the flock" to get +1 zombie + 15% resistance which should benefit the SRS slighlty as well (but not sure it is worth a SP though). My zombies however take up 4 slots (my helmet) and maybe there are better use for those sockets. Zombies have no chance at higher level maps not even if you have maximized all minions skill. IMO only Montregul's zombies have a chance. I wish I could make a SRS / Zombie hybrid build using Montregul's but it will be bad w/o +level you get from a staff. But a chest with crafted +1 zombies (So you get 5 zombies) and vaaled with +1 socketed gems might be an interesting option. But that is hard (impossible?) to find. |
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