-- Block Blender 1.2 --
" Hmm.. Does Item Quantity grant better orbs, when they drop? I mean I guess orbs are the only reason to farm cruel, right? Dumb questions, I know. :) Thanks for advice, I will look into this! Last edited by FuriousT1#2704 on Jul 15, 2014, 4:30:30 PM
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hi guys,
When you are in a position to do 72+ maps: Crafting for Profit this is what i do now and i'll show some things i was able to alc: had offers for 15ex (currently using) sold for 4ex and a ton of amulets and rings worth 1-10 chaos just like in the video, i use the crappy jewellery for the chaos recipe and just collect the rest of the rares in normal gameplay. As for non-mapping farming, the best thing to do is to join a dom run with a dedicated culler. Learn what running is and you'll earn A LOT of currency very quickly. I usually skip all rares and just collect unid jewellery and belts for the 2x chaos recipe, and if the culler has something like 400/150, uniques drop fairly commonly. So many strikes within one breath. But only one strike needed, for certain death. Last edited by fiqst#3681 on Jul 15, 2014, 4:49:44 PM
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Well, i have another question now. I can choose between 2 boots i have. Please advice me what will be better for me.
So if i choose this i get: +24% block chance applied to spells +all res are capped Another pair of boots is i get : +60 life +30 chaos res +a little bit more armour -only lighting res will be like 62% others are capped |
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my current gear&tree What came first Mcdonalds or KFC? Last edited by xAvengingAngelx#1410 on Jul 16, 2014, 1:53:16 PM
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" Maybe my own bias, but 11 respec points to move over to my tree will: Gain 10 Str, 30 Dex, 100 life, 1000 DPS, a little block chance, 30% to avoid stun, .2 APS, and 20 life regen/sec Lose 10 Int, 1500 armor / 5% damage reduction, 4 Mana & 1 ES Additionally this will put you in a better alignment with two health node/armor groups just below diamond skin, I would start filling those life nodes out and work on your gear, gloves mainly try to find with AS, life, resist and regain another point or two currently in resistance nodes. Fwiw, swapping out your off hand weapon for a Catalyst keeping it in your off hand (if you want to keep WB) with leap slam and whilring blades will gain you another 2k DPS plus give your leap slam/w blades lvl 20 ele proliferation on those two skills.. with your hatred aura this will spread chill through mobs and help with suvivability, and it's just cool to see it happen :()
your tree modified
all I know is that I don't know anything at all Last edited by g3n3r1c#1548 on Jul 17, 2014, 11:38:07 AM
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In order to revamp my tree, wouldnt i have to eat up over 26 regrets? abit pricey for me ._.
What came first Mcdonalds or KFC?
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" I counted 11. If you start with the 4 damage nodes by gallantry, use those points to connect the tree by Bravado and under diamond skin. Then regret 3 more at the top of the axe and sword nodes (right 'above by the blade'), and 4 by steel skin. 11 respec points total That leaves you with 7 points to spend specing into Finesse, heart of oak, aspect of panther and weapon artistry. You can keep By the Blade as long as you have a sword or axe, the %phys damage and 10% life will be useful for a while. In the end this respec is just to put us closer to the life nodes by 'By the Blade' the rest is bonus. Also noticed this will leave you 1 int short of using a Dory.. will need to either keep the int node by Steel Skin for a bit or find a different piece of jewelry with a little more int. all I know is that I don't know anything at all Last edited by g3n3r1c#1548 on Jul 17, 2014, 11:12:00 AM
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Thank you for the step by step dummy guide xD the Int issue i solved by using another onyx amulet, its up to 115 now. I noticed that you arent using CWDT with a decoy totem, should i be running something else instead of that?
What came first Mcdonalds or KFC?
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" no, totems are good for distractions until you get your life pool built up. after breaking 5k life I stopped using CWDT in favor of vaal cyclone and vaal molten shell. I keep a spare pair of boots and gloves on hand with: "CWDT + Eduring + temp chains + increased area of effect" "Vaal immortal call + Immortal call + Increased duration + BM" I'll switch to these when I need a way to generate endurance charges for a high level Immortal call. all I know is that I don't know anything at all Last edited by g3n3r1c#1548 on Jul 17, 2014, 2:01:06 PM
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Is this build still viable?
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