Dominion's Hardcore Dual-Spark CI Witch - UPDATED for 1.0.1

just thought i'd post again. I decided i'd take the plunge. For anyone who is curious 325 dps for dual totem at lvl 59/60 is pretty decent. Not great, but good i'd say. I get up to like 375 dps w/ my power charges.

Anyway, hope this might help someone in the future.
^Which build did you use? I noticed his builds from here and the exilepro site are kinda different. Did you use the dual curse route or go right in the passive tree?
i did not use the dual curse build. I did go right in the passive try down to the shadow area. I followed the standard lvling build i guess u would call it.

is this build meant to get power charges? i must be blind i see nothing :S
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EveningPrimroseAmber wrote:

is this build meant to get power charges? i must be blind i see nothing :S

use ice spear, power charge on critical, faster cast, LMP/GMP

keep ice spear at lvl 1

even tho it does no damage you still get the critical "hit" - hence, power charges!
so witch build should i follow the expilepro one or this one after 0.11.1-3 patchs?

thanks guys

also.. going ci build is just as good for farming and mf? as the low life rf shav build right? you dont have to do the low life rd shavs build to farm and mf?

thnx again
Last edited by dirtydevil87#0843 on Aug 11, 2013, 2:00:01 AM
dirtydevil87 wrote:
so witch build should i follow the expilepro one or this one after 0.11.1-3 patchs?

thanks guys

also.. going ci build is just as good for farming and mf? as the low life rf shav build right? you dont have to do the low life rd shavs build to farm and mf?

thnx again

Following the one in this thread is advised, it's more up to date. And yes, the CI build works just fine, the RF one is just a little faster. I'm running a CI build in Anarchy and it works just fine. :)
ok thnaks for the post also you dont need shavs for rf build to work do? i was reading eckhinas build and its rf without shav

also when do you go duel totem? in the build there is a huge gap from 47-60 in the skill tree progesion
Last edited by dirtydevil87#0843 on Aug 11, 2013, 3:52:13 AM
dirtydevil87 wrote:
ok thnaks for the post also you dont need shavs for rf build to work do? i was reading eckhinas build and its rf without shav

also when do you go duel totem? in the build there is a huge gap from 47-60 in the skill tree progesion

1. rf doesn't work with ci
2. shav is needed for low-life builds, else every bit of chaos damage will kill you

ecka's build don't require a shav because it is supposed to farm in docks and lunaris, no chaos damage in both area.
if you want to do maps with his build, you'll surely need a shav
Master 8: All
CyclERa 93 TS/Puncture, CyclEWS 89 LL-ST
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so i can stick with ci and still do ok no?

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