Dominion's Hardcore Dual-Spark CI Witch - UPDATED for 1.0.1
@supergreatness you're not rolling your maps correctly.
For 66-69 maps you want to transmute them and then use orbs of alterations on them. Roll maze on all indoor maps. Roll more magic monsters / pack size / larger area or 35%+ quantity on outdoor maps. You can spend regal orbs on well rolled 69 maps. For example maze and a high magic monster roll. For 70+ maps you want to alch them and then reroll with chaos orbs or scour / alch. Again aim for maze and area / pack / blue preferably with high quantity. Chisels: don't use chisels on maps below 70. You may even want to save them for higher maps if you find yourself running out of chisels. There is much more to know about rolling maps, this is just some quick information. FYI: I started mapping with a map pool of 20 66 maps. Using this method I ended up with 50 maps just 2 days later. With this method you should be able to sustain up to 69 maps with ease. It will take a lot of currency but in the end it will be worth it. Here are some examples of maps I think are well rolled. Last edited by glh5#3285 on Apr 4, 2013, 5:50:55 PM
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Hey guys! Just wanted to stop by and thank Dominion for the build. It has carried me to lvl 76 HC so far. I'm currently doing lvl 66 - 69 maps solo without much trouble.
I mostly play solo right now so my build is a little different but follows most of the guidelines of Dominion's build. Currently I have 83 all resistance, 6100 ES and 290 dps approx on my spark totem. I know my dps needs a major boost but maps don't take more then 10 minutes at very most. Here's my current passive tree at lvl 76:
and here's my gear:
I also weapon swap for Enfeeble and Temporal Chains Any suggestions on where to upgrade next? Should I try and 5L my chest or buy a better one? IGN: Doppelbeat Last edited by flowbeat#5726 on Apr 4, 2013, 6:26:54 PM
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" Question, I notice you don't have chayula or immunity to frozen gear, not even dispel frozen? how do you not get wtfbbq'ed? just lot of manual dodging? Also, it's 1:51 chance to 5L on 6S, not a bad idea |
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" I am very scared of being frozen and stunned but I haven't really had many close calls at all yet because of them. I stay as far back as I can, spam skeles and try to keep moving to avoid it as much as possible. I've been chancing many Sapphire rings to try and get my hands on a dream fragments ASAP. Maybe I've just been lucky or the maps I have been doing may be too easy I try and avoid the extra damage maps. IGN: Doppelbeat Last edited by flowbeat#5726 on Apr 4, 2013, 6:48:55 PM
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" I decided to go with Wanderlust cause i can't afford 3exalt+ for dream fragments, just noticed you have lot of meatshields skeleton/zombie/spectres, do you use all of them? 2x bear trap spells, 3x minion spells, 1x spell totem, 2x curses, how do you fit them all on your bar? |
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" L: Skeles M: Zombies R: Spork Totem Q: Conductivity W: Ele weak E: Spectres/frost armor/lightning warp R: Bear T: Bear Weapon swap R: Temp chains T: Enfeeble I use everything, E switches based on what I need but it usually sits on frost armor and I pop it plus a granite in oh shit moments. IGN: Doppelbeat Last edited by flowbeat#5726 on Apr 4, 2013, 7:45:08 PM
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Here's another level 76 HC setup, I went for a bit different passives than the dude above me. I too don't have immunity to stun but I do carry a dispel frozen/chilled potion. I realize it's a health pot and useless, but whatever. I would use a granite there if I found one before I got that mod on an item.
5700 ES and 375 tooltip DPS on totems. I plan to stick to 66 maps for a while, at least level 80. Items:
Hot keys:
L mouse: Empty
M mouse: Cond R mouse: Enfeeble / Ele weakness / Temp chains depending on situation Q: Fire trap W: Bear trap E: Summon Skeletons R: Summon Zombies when in battle R: Quickly buff up and switch to Zombies I'll switch to 2-3 bear traps later but I am leveling them up for now in extra slots. I feel like fire trap has value at this stage of the game. When lightning resistant blue packs are together fire trap really helps to drop them quicker. I'm heading over to get the +30 dex / MS / 4x ES nodes in the next few levels. I may drop the 4x 30% resist nodes to get me there sooner as my resists are maxed without purity so losing those nodes should be about the same as turning on purity (I have serious mana pool issues atm). I'm not happy about dropping those 30% res all nodes though, having almost capped / capped resists in elemental weakness is nice because that map mod tends to give pretty high % boosts and not running something like a maze / ele weakness roll seems like a mistake but you can't really run it with low resists. I too avoid the extra damage mods, unless it's like 25% extra monster damage with a fantastic other roll like maze, area size, etc.. Then I do it but play EXTREMELY cautious. Last edited by antelopesalad#2904 on Apr 4, 2013, 8:11:32 PM
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" But, I allways aim for maps to have 30+ quant, witch is fairly easy. How can bigger size maps be better then smaller with higher quant items dropping? I understand that bigger maps have more mobs = more drops But, shouldent it be the same in the end?? Or is the area increase so much better then more quant? And the rolling 70+ with alchs chaos is just 100% impossible for me. The amount of currency I currently have to spend on just buying maps is higher then my income. So spending that amount of currency on just rolling maps would be impossible. |
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I quote the patch notes
" Any Idea if this will be bad or good for our little forking and roaming sparks, if i understand it right, it will be so that once it pops out of the totem and then its a crit or not but what about when it forks ? and The forks of the forks ? |
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" Some maps are more than twice as big with maze. The more magic monsters mod is incredibly good because blues drop a lot of loot and the loot is 1 itemlevel higher. Blues are your best bet for getting higher level maps. I think more magic monsters is the best mod for outdoor maps. As for the alchemy issue, make sure to build up a base of maps before you start doing that. Don't start with your high level maps right away, save them for when you run out of low maps. First build up a big base of maps that will make it so you never run out of low level maps again. For example I didn't start doing 67 maps until I had about 25 of them. Dominion has much more experience with rolling maps and in closed beta he also won a week race, so when he replies hopefully he can give some additional advice. |