Dominion's Hardcore Dual-Spark CI Witch - UPDATED for 1.0.1
What gives you more effective DPS on level 70? Lightning Penetration or Culling Strike? I am not really sure what to put into my 5Link right now.
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" Lightning Pen is by far the best choice for a 5th link. A quick example of how it works: Case 1: A mob has 125 lightning resistance, has a cap of 75% Lightning resistance, and is curse immune. Lightning Penetration is level 20 and reduces resistances by 35%. The Mobs lightning resistance becomes 90 but the cap is reduced to 40%, effectively making the mob's lightning resistance 40%. Case 2: A mob has 125 Lightning resistance and a cap of 75% lightning resistance. The mob is cursed with conductivity and elemental weakness, reducing it's resistances by 49% and 59% respectively (Reducing the mob's resistance to 17%). Lightning Penetration then applies and reduces this value to -16%. No matter what you're doing it gives you a massive effective damage increase. IGN: Dominion / Clamor
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First off, thank you for taking the time to not only write but continue to respond to this guide! Great job :) I've read this entire thread but if I missed the answers to these questions, I apologize.
I have a few questions: 1: Perhaps you could briefly outline the adjustments you'd make if using this build in default league play in your original post? 2: Do you feel it is worth it to wear Windscream and/or Doedre's Damning for the extra curses? 3: Is elemental proliferation effective as a support gem choice for the spark-totem link to stack more shock? 4: Why not add lmp/gmp for more sparks? ign: gmask / grmask Last edited by Grrmask#0266 on Feb 26, 2013, 5:06:59 AM
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Sorry for the noob question. Looking at the OP's gear i see he using 4 curses: Enfeeble,Temporal Chain,Elemental Weakness and Conductivity. Which two should i be using? and in what situation would i use the other two?
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Hope i can field this one.
Conductivity + Ele weakness are used for majority of the time. They are your biggest dps increases. So use them for farming or just easy mobs in general (eg Zombies) Temp chains + Enfeeble are used for sketchy situations. Eg boss' or hard hitting mobs. But they can also be mixed with conduct/ele weakness depending on how confident you are. EG temp chains on goatmen + Conductivity makes them incredibly easy to avoid without losing too much dps. IGN - Bootloops
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" Does these recharge on crit hit work with totems 100%? I did some testing with ice spear totems and I came into conclusion it does not. Probably not enough empirical research testing but I want to make sure if u dont mind answering. Also thanks for 6l chest mirroring / your build modified it quite bit for cold but gave me few new ideas :). IGN: xZyKLoNx |
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Why do you get Lord of the Dead? also, what spectres do you use? thanks
Breach : MLXFL
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How much is a Dream fragment worth? Just wondering, cause i dont know how many exalted i should offer for it.
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" I just tried it out on Piety Merciless. I didnt get a single charge back after killing the adds before she died. So apparently is doesnt regenerate anything because I highly doubt that my totem with 19% crit chance didnt get a single crit. Going to report that as a bug, if its not the crit affix on flasks is completely useless for Dual Totem speccs. Last edited by nynyny#3398 on Feb 26, 2013, 10:54:31 PM
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" I've seen them go for about 2 exalts. I'm looking for one myself at the moment. Dominion, what's your thought on using remote mine + arc + elemental proliferation, instead of bear traps? there's not cap in how many remote mines you can use, and you save on gemslots+ you're able to shock stack more aswell. |
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