Low-Level Dueling (LLD) PVP Beginner's Guide

Tiny update: added a new inspiration video and a note about map seeds.
I am on looking for some people to duel, IGN is LysandeRx <3
Time for a bench section tutorial for LLD?
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Sep 7, 2014, 4:23:14 PM
GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
Time for a bench section tutorial for LLD?

Yeah, I'm going to make that a separate guide though. And i need a few more level 7's before I know everything I need to know.
You can also add some new videos to your tutorial now that we have some high quality 1v1 fights available on youtube. (if you want)
IGN: @GreenDude
GreenDude wrote:
You can also add some new videos to your tutorial now that we have some high quality 1v1 fights available on youtube. (if you want)

Hey, i got a question: if i want to start with LLD, should i choose HC or SC? Where is bigger / more active community?
...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
Shade444 wrote:
Hey, i got a question: if i want to start with LLD, should i choose HC or SC? Where is bigger / more active community?

Either one works. I usually recommend the one that you have the most currency on. If you have more on SC, then it will also be easier to do trades since it has more active players.
IGN: @GreenDude

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