How does everyone feel about the new Descent Flameblastions(Champions)?
Better than the old one. I welcome both the shorter early areas and shorter race. No more need to use /remaining to know if you should progress or not.
No point basing anything on the current records. At least give it about 10 more so every class has their fair share on rng runs. And shadows will keep on sucking. [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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" To me it doesn't have that much to do with records. It's more about each class given a chance in the first place to complete the race and kill General. There needs to be the extreme case in RNG for it to be possible now for more than half the classes. |
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im really curious how the testing went for this sig, assuming there was any. it makes me wonder if the devs making decisions for races are even playing the game anymore. i guess its possible that they gave up trying to balance anything and are now just releasing op crap for classes that werent that strong before
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" Which has everything to do with class balance and absolutely nothing with the duration of the race itself. If witches and templars can kill grav in 40 mins, then the revelation that rangers and shadows can't either means that witches are overpowered, ranger/shadow(etc..) are underpowered, or both. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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" If the race was a bit longer it allows for more classes to catch up to where the much faster ones fully clear and have to wait. I agree that the classes aren't balanced in comparison to other but to me it seems silly that only 2-4 potential classes can effectively get to and complete general regularly. Class balance is tied to race duration. Look at burst race for ranger. |
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" And in both cases the correct response would be to buff the classes that are underperforming and not to change the length of the race. 12 min burst is a pefect example of that, ranger could work if you started off with a quiver and a bow that isn't a crude bow (just gonna point out here that as ranger you are actually muling ST in 12m burst races, because even that <1 min loss is better than going SA). Same is true in descent:champions, to this day I don't understand why ranger starts with split arrow/crude bow by default and not rain of arrows/short bow. Why do crude bows even exist? They are garbage, make short bows the lvl 1 bow. Why do rangers start off with split arrow and not rain of arrows? Make rain of arrows level 1 requirement. You are just trying to address a symptome of the problem and not actually the cause of it. If classes were reasonably well-balanced race-length would be a non-issue. It's been historically the case that not enough emphasis was put on class balance and it's starting to show, people have always given GGG a freepass whenever class-balance came up, because in past sigs you were always able to mule. But now in D:C if I want to play ranger I can't just mule ST really quick, you are forced to go split arrow into RoA and have to dick around with a garbage crude bow for the first 5-10 levels. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Jun 8, 2014, 4:48:13 PM
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" I am not trying to address anything. I think you missed the point of my post. I am giving my personal opinion and experience, my view on the changes. The decrease in time just made it so even less people will be able to fully finish and kill general. Only select classes / combinations or carried by crazy rng. I am not telling anyone to do anything or to make changes. I pointed out the impact of changes in my eyes. lol Last edited by terrex#7466 on Jun 8, 2014, 4:55:25 PM
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*grabs popcorn*
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" Really now? You said the race should be longer to give all classes a chance to kill the general, I pointed out that it doesn't have to be longer, they only have to buff the classes that are underperforming... but I'm somehow missing the point? #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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" All I did was point out the obvious, longer race = more balance in the end. Seeing as how now only flameblasters will reign supreme 99% of the time. However you want to connect and make up things is entirely up to you. "If the race was a bit longer it allows for more classes to catch up to where the much faster ones fully clear and have to wait." Omg don't say the "if" :(... |
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